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Carter's P.O.V

“Oh my god what happened?" Esmi asks Robert while he stumbles towards her and Alex.

“Why are you holding my girl?" Robert slurs. Alex let's go of Esmi's waist and looks at Robert. “Robert why were you drinking?" Alex asks calmly.

“Because I can, and quite frankly that's none of your business." he says to Alex getting frustrated.

“Robert why did you fucking drink, Esmi needs you and you went out for a fucking drink?" Bri says. “Look Bri..." he slurs and walks towards me and her.

“I am here for her, where were you huh? Oh that's right you two" Robert points at me and Bri. “You two were having the time of your lives while she was in here, or am I wrong?" he asks us.

“What is he talking about Bri?" Esmi asks Bri. “Carter? " Esmi calls me expecting me to give her an answer.

“He's drunk Esmi don't listen to him" Bri says.

“Oh I'm very sober in fact I can tell you exactly what they were doing babe, while you were in surgery these two were having sex yup I heard everything"

“Robert shut the fuck up!" I say. He shuts up but runs in to the bathroom to go throw up wow he can't hang.

“Bri what the hell?" Esmi asks Bri, but she stays quiet.

“Oh my god it's true?!?" Esmi says in a shocked tone. “Yes it's fucking true don't get fucking mad we didn't know this shit was gonna happen!" I say getting tired of all the bull shit.

“Sorry to be blunt but it's the damn truth and the truth can be ugly sometimes" I shrug and walk out the room.

Bri's P.O.V

“Esmi chill its true but we didn't think this was gonna happen!" I say while Alex comforts her.

“And when we're you planning on telling me?" she says sobbing.

“I was gonna tell you in your hospital room, but we got interrupted." I tell her and it's the truth.

“Zach could you take me back to my room?" Esmi asks looking at Zach with watery eyes.

“Sure little one" he says and wheels her away.

It sure does look like she can't trust anyone right now except for Alex and Zach.

Robert comes out of the bathroom and steps out of the room to go with Zach to Esmi's room.

“She's not mad at you" Alex says trying to make me feel better. “I'm sure she is Alex"

“No she's not and if she is she'll forgive easily" he says and I know that's true because I know Esmi can't stay mad at anyone.

“Alright, you should try and talk to her" Alex says I agree and make my way towards her room.

On my way out I bump into Carter.

“So how'd it go?" Carter asks. “It went great now get out of my way" I say and push past him.

“Wow I say the truth and everyone gets mad at me!" he says. I turn around and tell him.

“Look no one said they were mad at you, and the only one that is mad at you is Esmi and I sure as hell know that you're not gonna try to apologize to her so don't go saying that the whole world is mad at you because only one is, alright?" I finish.

“Damn, alright" Carter says and he moves out of my way.

In Esmi's room

“Hey Zach could you get out, I need to talk to Esmi" I tell Zach and he walks out.

Gang Related (Foolish 4 fan fic ft Magcon boy's)Where stories live. Discover now