Don't tell Robert

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Bri's P.O.V

Texting convo

Esmi: I think I'm pregnant.

Me: How about we go get you a pregnancy test tomorrow.

Esmi: Yes I need to know thank you.

Me: Yea ok see you tomorrow. Bye.


End of texting conversation

Bri's P.O.V

After I got done texting Esmi I fell right back asleep.

The next day at Esmi's house

“Esmi just take the damn test already." I tell her she is really nervous. “Okay here I go" she goes into the bathroom and does her business and after she's done she washes her hands and comes back into her room and says that she has to wait five minutes.

*5 minutes later*

“Bri I can't look at it you look for me" she asks I go towards the pregnancy test and to my surprise I see that Esmi is “Esmi you are pregnant!" I say she takes the pregnancy test out of my grasp and looks at it. “Oh my god I am pregnant" she says with a huge smile on her face. “When are you gonna tell Robert?" I ask being curious.

“I can't tell Robert" she says with a loss of words “Why not?,Fine then I'll tell him." I say to her “Don't tell Robert!" she yells. “Okay I won't tell him but you have to tell him sooner or later because your gonna start showing and you won't be able to hide it from him" I say. “Your right" she says.

“Okay so enough about me what about you and Carter?" she asks wanting to know details. “Um what about me and Carter?" I ask with a little bit of an attitude. “Okay calm down I know there is something between you two you guys are like the couple that say there not together but in the end they end up sleeping together." she says.

“Okay well were not a couple" was all I could manage to say. “Yea I know that but you know and he knows that y'all want to be together" I was gonna say something but my phone started ringing I looked at the caller I.d. and it was Carter. “Who is it?" Esmi asks. I ignore the call and say “It was Carter but I'm not gonna talk to him." I say with no expression.

“Okay well hey when do you think it would be a good time to tell Robert?" she asks me “Um whenever you want to but like I said you can't keep it a secret forever." I tell her “True but I want him to be happy about it, Oh my god what if he won't be happy that I'm pregnant" she asks worried.

“If he's not happy that your pregnant I'm gonna kick his ass." I say with a serious tone. “Don't kick his ass. At least talk shit but don't kick his ass." she says still trying to defend Robert.“Okay but if you don't tell him I will" I threaten her “Don't tell Robert I'll tell him when I'm ready." she says I simply nod.

“Okay well hey- she gets interrupted by her phone ringing “Is that Robert?" I ask “No it's an unknown number" she says “Okay well answer it" I say and she answers the phone.

Phone conversation

Esmi: Hello?

Stranger: Esmi put bri on the fucken  phone.

Esmi: Not until you tell me who you are.

Stranger: It's Carter now put bri on the fucken phone.

Esmi: How the hell did you get my number?

Stranger now identified as Carter: I got it off of Robert's phone, Now put bri on the damn phone.

Esmi: Not until you ask nicely.

Carter: Esmi Can you please put bri on the phone.

Esmi: That's better.

“Bri it's for you" she says. I take the phone out of her hands and start to talk on the phone.

Me: Hello?

Carter: Bri are you still pissed at me?

Me: Carter are you seriously gonna ask me that you know what Fuck you.

Carter: Wa-

End of conversation

“Here you go" I give her, her phone back. “What happened?" she asks wanting to know the details. “He just wanted to know if I was still mad at him" I say with a blank expression. “Okay well hey you know what we should do." she says “What?" I ask wanting to know more about her plan.

“We should go to a party" she says with a perky tone. “Um no we can't" I tell her “Why?" she says disappointed “Well I don't know um your pregnant and I'm in a bad mood because of Carter." I tell her. “Okay well forget about the party let's go to the movies instead" she says with hope in her voice.

“What movie would we watch?" I asked “Lets watch neighbors" she says “Ok what time does it start?" I ask her. “Um it starts at 12:00 tonight" she tells me. “okay then I guess where gonna go to the movies" she immediately gets happy and then she hits me with one last question.

“Can Robert come?" she asks. “Um no let's just have a girls night out" I tell her because ever since we've been in this gang we haven't got any time to ourselves. “Okay I'm fine with girls night." she says still happy with our plans.


After the movie ended

after the movie ended I drove Esmi back home and asked her if I can move in with her because Esmi is really gonna need someone to look after her when she gets bigger because of the baby. “Yes bri of course you can move in with me" she says excited. It's cause ever since Esmi's parents passed away she's been living by her self and that won't be healthy when she's pregnant.

“Alright I'll start moving in tomorrow" I tell her we say are final goodbyes and I start to make my way home.


at home

As I got home I went straight to my room to take a quick shower then pack up a few things to be ready to move in with Esmi.

Once I got out of the shower I went into my room and started to pack clothes and everything I needed then I got so tired so I finished packing what I was packing then went to lay down on my bed.

I started to feel my eyes get tired then I soon drifted off into a nice and comfortable sleep.

Author's note

Okay so here's chapter 4

hope you liked it

Vote for the next chapter.

Love you guy's.

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