I have a plan

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Author's note

Warning this chapter is a little bit dirty...

also this is very emotional.


Bri's P.O.V

3 month's later

Count the months it's been three damn months." I told Esmi. she doesn't believe its been three months with her being pregnant.

“I don't think so that's why I'm going to the doctor today for a check up" she argues back. “Okay and the doctor is gonna tell you that you are three months pregnant" I tell her.

“Yea well, we'll just have to find out won't we" she says.

“What the hell are you guys arguing about this time?" Carter comes into the kitchen with no shirt on revealing his toned body.

“I don't know, why the hell are you not wearing a shirt?" Esmi asks a question within a question.

“Haha very funny what are you guys screaming about?" Carter asks still wanting to know. “Okay well Carter,Esmi is obsessed with the idea that she is only two months pregnant when it's been three months I should know I kept count" I say.

“Esmi your three months pregnant" Carter says agreeing with me. “Ha you see told you, you are three months pregnant" I say with confidence.

“Yea well I'm still checking" she says. “You have a doctors appointment today?" Carter asks. “Yea and Alex is taking her" I answer for Esmi.

“Okay?" Carter says

“Morning babe" Esmi says as Robert walks in. “Good morning gorgeous" he kisses her on the lips.

Carter looks at me and then whispers “that could be us but you keep playing" I playfully roll my eye's as a response. “Your such a flirt" I tell him. he winks at me and I can't help but smile.

“Ok so I'm gonna go call Alex and tell him we need to go" Esmi says and walks out of the kitchen. “Where is she going?" Robert asks. “She didn't tell you?" I ask confused.

“No, tell me what?" he asks. “Well she's going to the doctor today to see if everything is good with the baby" I tell him and he gets up from his seat and goes into Esmi's room.

“Oh I think you just did something wrong" Carter says I glare at him and he then gets up out of his seat to and tries to walk away but I wanted something from him something I've been craving for.

I got up from my seat and did the unexplainable... I kissed Carter this time. I don't know why I just got the sudden urge to do it so there we are making out.

“Jump" I hear Carter whisper to me in a seductive way. I do as I'm told and he carries me into his room.

He starts kissing down my neck and it feels amazing but I want something more I've been craving something from him I need it I want him now.

He takes off his shirt and throws me on his bed he continues kissing me then he takes off my shirt and starts kissing down my body but stops when he gets near my private area.

“Your such a tease" I tell him I could feel him smirk he takes off my leggings and continues to trail kisses over my body I manage to make my way to his shorts and start to slip them off.

“Your not gonna be able to walk after this" he says. I bite my lip. He slips his hand in my underwear and starts to rub my clit and then he slips in two fingers he pumps in and out and I can't help but moan.

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