New members?

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Carter's P.O.V

“Welcome to the Gang"

I say they look at me with disbelief in there eyes.

"Alex untie them if they try something funny shoot them" I say plane and simple.

He unties them and I let them come upstairs. we are armed so if they pull anything we got this.

The good thing is that they didn't take there phones so they can't contact anyone.

Hayes P.O.V

When we go up the stairs I take a good look of the house and the people in it.

Carter introduces us to all of his gang members. He starts with the one that was downstairs with us.

“Okay this is Alex" he points to him “This is Zach, Robert, Esmi, And finally Bri" he stops and walks up to Nash.

“But I guess you already knew that Nash" he says and Nash once again looks away.

Carter shows us where were gonna sleep and it was in the basement or the chill room because the girl in the crutches made it into one she's my favorite one so far.

Wait what am I saying I can't get attached to these people there my enemies.

Bri's P.O.V

I don't trust them I don't want them here we should've just killed them when we had the chance.

“Hey Bri" Nash says as he gets closer to me.

I don't want to talk to him so I go to my room.

I'm gonna text Jaylnn because I'm guessing she doesn't know that her boyfriend is in or was in the Red skins.

Texting convo

Me: Hey jay

Jaylnn: Sup Bri

Me: What are you doing right now?

Jaylnn: Watching keeping up with the Kardashians what about you?

Me: Just in my room, could you come over to Esmi's house?

Jaylnn: Sure! What's going down?

Me: Just come over Jay

Jaylnn: Alright then I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Me: Alright bye

Jaylnn: Bye

End of texting convo

*10 Minutes later*

Esmi's P.O.V

*Someone knocks on the door*

“I got it!!!!!!" I yell throughout the entire house so everyone could hear me I was talking to the new members.

Well I was mostly talking to the little one named Hayes he's too small to be in a gang that is big!

The thing is I've met Cameron and Nash before but I didn't know they were in the Red skins.

I answer the door and peek out the little window I see Jaylnn! wow I haven't seen her since I told her I was pregnant....

Well that just bummed me out. No! think happy thoughts!

I open the door.

“Hey! Jaylnn!" I say as perky as ever which is so weird like I said think happy thoughts.

“Hey Esmi!" she responds I hug her then pull away.

“So where's Bri?" she asks me. I say “She's up in her room she's been up there ever since Nash tried to talk to her" I say.

She looks at me with confusion. “Who's Nash?" she asks, oh yeah she doesn't know Nash.

“Nash is a new member of our so called gang him and two others" I say she asks, “Who are the two others?"

I say “The two others are your boyfriend and Hayes which is Nash's little brother" I finish she looks at me confused again.

We hear a door open and close again I see Bri coming down the stairs and she looks at us and makes her way to us.

“What's this talk about New members?" Jaylnn asks Bri.

“That's what I wanted to talk to you about" Bri says to Jaylnn.

“Okay, girl talk" Jaylnn says and I drag them into the kitchen.

“Esmi said my boyfriend is in you're so called gang" Jaylnn says to Bri and Bri looks at me with that face that says you told her.


Bri's P.O.V

“Did you know you're boyfriend is or was in the Red skins?" I ask Jaylnn she looks at me and shakes her head no.

“Well he is Jay" I say and she looks down at her hands.

“I fell for the enemy" she breathed out.

In a way she kind of did.

“Jay, it's ok" Esmi says trying to comfort her. 

Cameron's P.O.V

I walk up the stairs and go straight into the kitchen only to see Jaylnn my girlfriend with her girlfriends.

I was backing away when I bumped into something and it fell.

All the girls go to look at what made the noise and as soon as I was about to break for it Jaylnn came in and saw me.

“Shit" I breathed out.

“Babe?" she said I lifted my head up and finally looked at her.

“Hey, babe" I say causally.

“Please don't tell me you're actually apart of this whole thing" she asks I look down and shake my head agreeing to what she said.

“Oh my god you are" she said and she walked or ran out to the front door.

I ran after her but she ran to fast

I go back into the house and see Esmi cleaning up the mess I made. I go and help her I am a bad guy but not as much as Matt.

“Here let me help" I say to Esmi and she slowly starts to pick up the pieces of the broken picture I dropped.

I hear her start to sob, oh god I don't like it when people cry.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and ask her if she is ok.

“Are you ok?" I ask she takes more pieces and shakes her head up and down meaning to say, yes but I know she's not.

“Hey, um Esmi, I know you're not okay... if you could tell me what happened maybe I can help" I say in a semi worried tone.

She starts to talk “The thing that you broke was a frame a picture frame of my parents and that was the only picture I had of all of us before they died" she says and picks up more pieces.

“Oh." I say in return to what she had told me she just shared something new with me maybe this 'gang' isn't all that bad.

I help her finish cleaning up and once again apologize to what I did and she says that it's ok but I know it's not.

Matt's P.O.V

I'm gonna get my boys back I have to, tomorrow is when I'm gonna attack them.

I have a good plan.

“So boss all we have to do is shoot the people you told us to shoot then take Cam, Nash, and Hayes?" he asks.

“That's exactly what I want you to do" I say there practicing as we speak.

“Alright boss, so tomorrow?" he asks me one more time I shake my head agreeing.

Just watch Carter payback is a bitch.

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