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Esmi's P.O.V

I went downstairs cause I heard all the commotion. I saw everyone was fighting. I couldn't tell which ones we're in need of help they we're fighting good looks like thier training paid off.

I was so focused on everyone's fighting skills that I forgot I needed to help them. I was gonna run downstairs when someone pulled my hair back and then threw me on the ground. I didn't bother to get up I had a plan

The man got super close to me and when he did so I spun my legs around his legs and it caused him to trip. I got on top of him and started punching him in the face. Thank god Alex came and pulled me off of the guy, or else he would've been dead.

Alex was looking for Carter but couldn't find him downstairs so he sent me to find him. He had said he was gonna hold back anyone that tried to get up the stairs.

Carter's P.O.V

Matt gave me a chance to let Bri out but I don't trust him. He could hurt her. I'd rather her stay with me and be safe then be out there and be sorry. I let her be behind me and started talking to Matt.

"You know for an old 'friend' you sure know how to ruin people's lives" I said he put his hand over his heart assuming he has one and pretended to be hurt.

He said "I didn't ruin anyone's lives. I only care about ruining you're life. Considering the fact you ruined mine" he finished "How did I ruin your life?" he responded "YOU PUT ME IN JAIL!" he yelled out. Well he did need to be stopped. "You put me in jail to you son of a bitch"

"That might have been my best work ever" Matt said with a huge smirk on his face. I couldn't take it anymore. I lost it and right when I was gonna attack him he raised his gun, about to pull the trigger on me. Then...

Esmi swings the door open knocking out Matt. I kick the gun away and I start thanking Esmi. I go to Bri and kiss her like if no one was in the room. Once we were done sharing our moment. I got Bri and Esmi out of the room so I can finally take care of Matt myself.

What you thought I was just gonna leave him there?

I went back I saw him getting back to his feet his vision was hazy I tackled him to the ground and started punching him in the face he was trying to choke me but he couldn't. I grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and smashed his head on the floor and he was out cold. I checked his pulse to see if he was still alive and he wasn't.

It's over it's finally over.

I went downstairs and everyone that was against us was out and running when I told them Matt was dead.

I went and checked on everyone, they we're all fine. I'm glad we won. I went back upstairs to get my phone and call the cops so I can tell them what had happened.

When I got there I got my phone and started to dial the phone number I went around my bed only to see that Matt was gone and all that was left was the blood that had came out of his head when I smashed it to the ground.

And on the side it said written in his blood. "This isn't over yet, old friend.."
I bolted downstairs and told everyone to come see what Matt left.

Everyone was just as shocked as I was. I grabbed Bri by the waist and held on to her so tight. I turned us around and said "Matt is still out there. He knows what we're capable of doing and we know what he can do too. We have to be careful now. He's escaped, we have to be ready."

When I finished saying that everyone was exchanging looks and whispering we all have to stick together now. So we could all be safe. I kissed Bri's forehead and said "I promise I'll keep you safe"

She responded "We'll keep each other safe" and we all went downstairs. To make a new plan.

This will end before you know it.

Author's note

Hey guy's thanks so much for 4k reads you guys are amazing!!

Anyways remember to vote for the story so I can update faster! And comment what you think is gonna happen next time I update.

Thanks guys once again for reading - Love Esmi ♡

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