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Matt's P.O.V

My crew is about to attack Carter's gang.

“Okay, boss just tell us when and we'll make our move" I hear Jack say to me through the phone.

“Go!" I yell into the phone.

Jack Gilinsky's P.O.V

“You heard the boss go!" I yell and we move in.

We step in on there property and there security system goes off and we get ambushed by some of Carter's gang, but we make it in there house.

"Find Nash, Cameron, and Hayes and will leave come on!"

I walk around the house unharmed the others are creating a distraction so me and Jack J. could find them faster.

"Okay Jack let's split up I'll take downstairs you'll take upstairs." I say "Alright go" and he starts making his way upstairs.

I go downstairs where you can't hear anything it's almost like the room is completely sound proof.

Hayes's P.O.V

Esmi went to the bathroom while I was waiting for whatever was happening to blow over. I could have helped but no Nash said he didn't want me to get hurt so he left me with Esmi.

I heard the door open and I tense up because it wasn't Esmi, I didn't know who was gonna come down those stairs.

I grab a shotgun from under the table and prepare for the worst.

As the person keeps going down the stairs I start to move back a little bit I held the gun and pointed it at the stairs.

The figure gets off the stairs and approaches me.

As the figure gets closer he calls my name and I quickly put a face to that voice it's Gilinsky.

He engulfs me in a hug.

"Let's get you out of here!" he says, I refuse, I know it's pretty stupid to refuse this opportunity to leave but I can't leave.

"Come on Hayes everyone is waiting"

he puts his gun behind my back pushing me towards the stairs.

"Hey let him go!" Esmi screams she lifts up one of her crutches and it hit's him square in the nose enough to knock him out and it did.

"Are you okay Hayes?" she asks me I nod my head because I'm surprised Esmi isn't the type to fight but when she does wow.

Carter's P.O.V

Matthew is obviously behind this. God he can never let things go.

"Behind you!" Bri screams, I turn around and surely someone was about to stab me.

"Thanks for looking out" I say to Bri and we go back to fighting, we continue till everyone is either dead or they backed out and left.

I knock on the basement door and Esmi goes and opens it she pulls me down and takes me all the way down to the bottom of the stairs.

"Look what I did!!!" she said almost excited about what she had done she had broken this guy's nose I could tell it was broken because it was purple and it was bleeding.

"I knocked him out with my crutches!" Esmi continues. "He was trying to hurt Hayes so I saved him" she says in a proud voice. "I told you I was okay to fight please let me get my revenge" she said with pleading eyes.

"No Esmi" I say bluntly at her she loses her little hope and just looks down at the guy.

"Hayes, what's his name?" I ask I know for a fact he was not trying to hurt Hayes but try to save him and get him out of here.

"His name is Jack we call him Gilinsky because there was another Jack in the Red skins." he says.

"He was trying to get you out of here wasn't he?" I ask again. "Yeah he was" he looks at him.

"Esmi you broke it you fix it we could use him" I say, I go into the bathroom and grab Esmi's first aid kit.

I give it to her and she starts fixing his nose up.

*10 minutes later*

"He's awake" Hayes says.

"Hayes what the fuck you're a trader!" he says.

"Hey, what's you're name?" I ask he gives me a death glare then he answers.

"Gilinsky" he says in a harsh tone.

"We need to use you, Gilinsky" I say he looks at me confused. "You need to use me for what?" he asks.

"We just want you for our gang" "what no never" He says. "Look Matt is tricking you into thinking he is 'the good guy'" I say when in reality it's the truth.

Me and Matt before this whole thing started we were in the same gang but he tricked me, he blackmailed me.

He's the reason I got sent to jail so god knows what he's telling his gang members.

"Look man I need you to trust me, I trusted Matt before and look where it got me I had to assemble this gang to take him down, sooner or later you're gonna try and do what I'm doing because he tricked you" I finish saying.

He looks at me one more time, and finally agrees.

"Alright, Hayes, Nash, Cam, I'm pretty sure you already know Gilinsky so he's gonna be apart of our gang too" I say Hayes unties Gilinsky and they sit down and catch up.

Now all we have to do is make a plan to get Matt and we will be victorious.

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