What happened?

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Carter's P.O.V

one minute I'm making out with Bri and the next thing I see is an empty room after I said I love you I'm guessing she bolted out the door, I knew I shouldn't have fucking said that, she probably got freaked out I would have gone after her if I didn't say I love you.

I walk downstairs when I take the last step I hear gun shots I run outside to see if anyone is out there just in case. I see Bri behind her car protecting herself from whoever is shooting at us. “BRI GET YOUR ASS INSIDE!" I yell to make sure she hears me. She runs past by me and goes inside.

“Bri give me the gun that's in the closet!" I scream so she can hurry before they leave. She gives me the gun and I run outside and get behind Zach's car because it's the closest car to the one that is shooting at us.

I get ready to shoot then I hear the door close and see Bri right next to me with a gun. “What the hell do you think your doing?" I ask still trying to keep my calm. “I'm gonna help what does it look like I'm doing." she tells me. “Go back inside Bri your help is not needed" I tell her coldly.

“No I'm not-" she stands up and shoots at the car that is still shooting at the house. “What the fuck now they know were here!" I whisper yell at her “They already knew we were here dumbass" she tells me. “Yea but now they know were gonna shoot at them" I tell her through an aggravated tone.

“Whatever" she stands up and starts running toward the shooting car I follow in her foot steps “Fine I got your back we shoot on my count" I explain to her. “Okay 1, 2, 3, GO!" and we went running towards the car.

“Keep shooting till they drive away!!" I yell over the shooting guns.

The car finally stops shooting and speeds away. “Oh my god finally" I say “How long were they here for?" I ask Bri. “Um like 10 minutes" she says. Me and Bri head back inside to see if everyone is ok.

“What happened?!?!" Alex came running towards me and Bri. “I'm guessing that the red skins got the sudden urge to shoot at us" I say with a bit of obviousness in my voice.

“Well how did they find out where we live?" Zach says running in the living room. “I don't know how they found out" I say trying to figure out how they found out where we live.

Bri's P.O.V

“Bri what happened?" Esmi asked, “ I don't know whenever I went outside they started shooting towards the house and we shot back at them" I say still in shock at what just happened.

“Oh my god Bri they could've killed you what were you doing out there anyway?" she asked confused.

“I'll talk about it later" I tell her trying to ease her nerves. I hear a faint okay from her and with that said we continue to listen to Carter.

“Is there anyone you told about us living here?!?!" Carter yells at everyone.

“Well the only person I told was Nash but before you get all fucking mad he's not in a gang" I explain to Carter.

“Is that everyone or is that it" he says trying to be all sarcastic. “No I'm pretty sure that's everyone I told" I say and end my sentence with a fake smile on my face.

“And he's not in a gang?" he says going back to serious. “Yes" I say and he just stays quite.

“So if that's all" I trail off heading towards the door with Esmi and Robert on my tail.

“Were leaving" I say and we run out the door and head towards are car's.

At Esmi's house

“Alright hurry up I have to tell you something" I tell Esmi rushing her inside the house. “Okay but hold on I have to say bye to Robert" she says and I let her say good bye to Robert.

Minutes later she comes in with a huge smile on her face. “What happened out there?" I ask her being curious. “That was the best make out session of my life." she says “Okay eww gross TMI" I say.

“Whatever, what were you gonna tell me?" she asks. “Oh yea um what was I gonna tell you?" I tell her trying to stall. “Oh yea I remember now" I tell her.

“Okay so spit it out" she says I laugh and start to talk again. “Okay so before you and Robert left somewhere I told Carter to come over to where I was and he was like no and then I was like you better come here right now,and then he came towards me and I told him a side comment and he got mad and started to walk away then I said I can't believe you would stoop so low to hit a girl especially a pregnant one." I say.

“Okay and then what else?" she asks wanting to know more details.

“Okay so after I said that he was like I wasn't gonna hit her then I demonstrated what he did and he stayed quite so then I was like exactly and I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed on to my wrist and pushed me against the cabinet and he was like I admit I lost my temper but you can not walk away from me again and I was like get away from me, and he said no so then, I tried getting out of his grasp again and he pulled me closer to him and said that he was gonna take me to his room and he took me in his room and pushed me in there and locked the door I was like open the door Carter and he said no in a creepy way then he started getting closer to me and I kept on backing away until I hit the wall. Then he blocked me so I couldn't get out and he started to kiss down my neck and I kinda enjoyed it but you know he was forcing me to do something I don't want to do so it wasn't pleasurable to me but to him it was. Then I came up with a plan that I may say so myself was a great plan to pretend to enjoy the feeling so I could have a chance to get out of there so I did that and after that I pushed him against the wall and then that's when" I pause trying to catch my breath.

“And then what I wanna know!" Esmi says being anxious. I finally catch my breath then start to talk again.

“Ok he said that he loves me." I say with a blank expression.

“Oh my god he said that?!?!" she says almost freaking out. “Yea that's exactly what he said". I explain to her.

“What did you do or say?" she asks. “Well I stuck with my plan and ran out" I say with no expression. “So you walked away again?" she tells me.

“Well yea." I say “Why Bri?" she says wanting to know an answer. “I left because I knew he didn't mean it he got caught up in the moment" I say.

“But what if he did mean what he said?" Esmi said. “Well then he should be manly enough to tell me straight to my face." I say with a serious tone.

“Alright" was all I got. “Well I guess I'm gonna go to sleep now night Bri" she says and goes upstairs to her room and I do the same thing.

I take a midnight shower and do my night routine so I could go to sleep.

But what Esmi said really stuck to me. What if he really did mean it what if he actually does “love" me I mean I like him to but sometimes I want to strangle him or punch him in the face. these thoughts are gonna be in my head till I go to sleep I decide to put in my earphones and listen to my music. Until I drift off into a deep sleep.

Author's note

Okay so this chapter is sorda long but it was worth it not updating for almost three weeks I needed to.

This chapter got erased which made me so mad but I managed to rewrite everything with Brianna's help.


so vote for the next chapter and yea that's it.

love you guy's.

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