Your gonna be fine

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Bri's P.O.V

“So that's the plan" Carter finishes saying. The doctor comes in and does a check up on Alex I take that opportunity and ask the doctor about Esmi again.

“Excuse me is Esmi De la Cruz out of surgery yet?" I ask.

“I have to go check" she says and leaves the room. Seconds later she comes back and says “She got out fifteen minutes ago, she's in intensive care that's the third floor and room 302" she says I thank her and drag Robert with me.

“Where are we going!?!" Robert asks. “Were gonna go to see your girlfriend you dipshit" I say and we finally make it to her room.

When I open the door to her room I see her with her knees close to her chest and hear her sobbing.

“Esmi?" I call for her. Her head shoots up and she tries to get out of her bed but she can't.

“Babe stay there were coming over there." Robert says, and she sits back down.

“What's wrong why are you crying" I ask her making my way towards her. She starts crying harder and harder. “Esmi, what happened?" Robert asks her this time.

“I lost the baby" she finally says and starts crying even harder. “Oh my god" I slip out.

Robert starts hugging her tight and rubbing her back “Shhh babe it's gonna be okay your gonna be fine you'll pull through" he says.

“I hate this I feel like dying a part of me died today and I well never get it back, I found out today that we were supposed to have a boy Robert!" she says crying.

“Just please god why didn't it take me instead, not my little boy!" she says sobbing.

It makes me sad just seeing her like this but I have to stay strong just for her right now.

When you think about it, I'm kind of a bad friend I kinda slept with someone when she was in this accident.

“Robert could you give me and Esmi a minute." I say and Robert kisses her forehead and walks out of the room.

“What's up?" she says still crying.

“Well I don't wanna see you sad, so let me say you are gonna be better you will have many more kids." I tell her although she started crying again.

“What I mean by that is maybe you weren't ready yet so this is just a sign telling you that you weren't ready to have a baby especially when you live the life we live" I tell her and she takes her time and thinks about what I just said.

“Okay your right I just thought that having a baby would make my life better because well it's a little bundle of joy. It would never hurt anyone" she says.

“I usually never do this but you need this right now" I tell her I lean over her bed side and give her a big hug because she really needs one

“Bri you know your hugging me right now" Esmi says squeezing me tighter. “Yes and I know you need it right now" I tell her because I usually never give her hugs.

“Ok I'm letting go now" I tell her and pull away.

“Do you know when you'll get out of the hospital?" I ask.

“Um I think I have to talk to the doctor to ask if I can go home" she says with an unhappy tone.

“I'll go ask" I say and step out into the hall to go look for a nurse or doctor. The funny thing is I didn't see Robert outside but I ignored it.

Carter's P.O.V

“Hey Rob. How's Esmi doing?" I ask him but I soon regret it because he just breaks out crying.

“Woah man what the hell happened?" I asked in shock because I've never seen Robert cry.

“She lost the baby!" he said and tried to pull himself together.

You know what this is the last time they cause us pain as soon as there out of here me Bri and Zach also Robert are gonna make are move.

“Rob were gonna get them back just you fucking see" I say with a tone I can't even describe.

“Can I go see her?" I ask and he looks at me confused. “Why do you wanna see her?" he asks with confusion in his voice.

“Look can I see her or not" I say and he tells me I can and I go to her room.

I walk in and see that she is alone. “I thought Bri would be in here but looks like she's not.

“Hey Esmi" I say as I walk in she looks up from her hands and says “Hi" back. This is kinda getting awkward I'm not good at cheering people up I'm meant to break people that's what I do best.

“Um so how are you holding up?" I ask but my voice cracked so it made me sound like I was a kid again.

But it made her laugh so I guess that's good.

“I'm a lot better now Bri kinda beat you to cheering me up" she says and laughs a little.

This girl is a little bit to happy for someone who just lost there baby...

“Carter?" she calls my name. “Huh?"I ask because I wasn't paying attention. “Why are you in here?" she asked.

“Oh I wanted to tell you that where gonna get whoever did this to you guy's." I say with no expression.

“It was the red skins" she says. “I know but like we don't know which one it was so we need to bring them down" I say.

“I wanna do that too" she says. I sigh “You can't Esmi when you get out Alex well still be taking care of you" I tell her she looks at me with an aggravated face.

“I can take care of myself you know I'm tried of being underestimated. I wanna Fucking break there fucking faces for doing what they did to me and Alex." she says with fury in her voice.

I laugh a little but soon I start to talk again. “Alright then we'll see" I tell her so she can calm down a little bit.

I was gonna say something but she said something first.

“Is Alex doing ok?" she asks back to her normal self. “Yea you wanna see him?" I ask.

She shakes her head and I help her off of the hospital bed and wheel her down to Alex's room.

When I pushed the elevator button Bri was in there staring at us.

“Uh what the hell are you doing with her?" Bri asks.

“I"- “He's taking me to see Alex, Bri chill" she says. She signals us to get in the elevator and we get in.

We make it into Alex's room and she gets off of her wheelchair and limps towards him.

“Alex!"she calls him he looks at her and opens his arms wide for a hug.

They embrace each other and then they pull away. “Are you ok?" Esmi asks Alex.

“Yea I'm fine I was worried about you because they separated us whenever we got here" Alex says.

“Yea when I woke up I saw that I was in the hospital room." Esmi says.

“Well is the baby ok?" Alex asks and Esmi looks at the ground.

Bri's P.O.V

Oh god why this again. “Alex I lost my baby" she says heart broken.

“Oh I'm sorry" he says. and goes in for another hug. Only this time Esmi doesn't go for it. But Alex still hugs her, she slowly wraps her arms around him and just cries again.

“Where's Robert?" I ask Carter.

“I don't know I haven't seen him since I visited Esmi" he says and we start to worry.

They pull away and Robert walks in or should I say stumbles in.

“Oh my god what happened?" Esmi asks Robert.


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