Red skins

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Nash's P.O.V

“Ayee I got the address to the mafia's house" I tell Cameron and Hayes and Matthew as I entered the front door.

“Dude don't you fucking lie about this" Cameron says, “Why would I lie about this" I say still trying to get them to believe me.

“Where do they live?" Matthew says trying to get the information out. “Well there street name is Nepal and house number is 1654." I say.

“Great I guess we know what were doing tonight" Matthew said. “How did you get the address?" Cameron asked “Well if you must know one of the members told me" I say with my head held up high.

“Did he know that you are in the red skins?" Hayes asks me. “No and it was a girl" I say clearing the air. “Oh you better not have feelings for her cause if you do your out" Matthew says coldly. “Nah I don't" I say.

“Alright so the plan is go to the house tonight and start shooting towards the house if one of them shoots back at us don't drive away" Matthew instructs. “Alright when do we stop?" Cameron asked. “You will only stop if and I repeat if someone gets hurt or you guys run out of amo." Matthew says.

“Sounds like a plan" I say. “Alright get ready for tonight" Matt says. “Alright" and we all go our separate ways.

@ the Mafia's house

“Man when can we shoot we've been here for 20 minutes" Cameron complained.

“We have orders Cameron we can't just shoot" I explain to him. “Yea relax man it'll be worth the wait" Hayes said.

“Yea-" I get cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. “We have movement can we fucking shoot now?!" Cameron says aggravated.

“Yes fucking shoot now!"

We all started shooting towards the house. “Remember don't stop until we run out of amo.. or if someone gets hurt." I yell over the shooting guns.

“Fuck did you hear that I think there shooting back at us!" Hayes says.

“Keep fucking shooting" I say.

“No there shooting back at us we have to leave" Hayes says. “Dude we can't" I say . “We have to fucking leave" Hayes insisted. “No we can't we have orders" I say.

“Cameron are you running low on amo?" Hayes asks Cameron. “Yea but I'm gonna shoot till I run out" he says. “See Hayes keep shooting"

“Fine" he goes back to shooting at the house and the people who are shooting at us. “There getting closer to us" Cameron says.

“Who is it?" I ask.

“Oh shit we have to go!" Cameron says. “What why who is it?" I ask. “Dude I'm guessing there leader is Carter mahone" Cameron says “Who's next to him?" I ask.

“I don't know it's a girl" Cameron tells me. “Let me see" I get a closer view to see who is next to Carter. “Oh my god that's Bri" I say out loud.

“Who the fuck is that?" Cameron says. “That's the girl that told me where they live." I explain to him. “Dude we have to go home" Hayes says. “I agree we have to tell Matthew who there leader is" I say going along with Hayes's idea.

“Drive!" I tell Cameron he hops up to the driver seat and starts to speed away.

Back at Red skin H.Q.

“MATT!" I yell out loud.

“What's the problem?" Matthew comes down the stairs. “Guess what we found out"I tell him.

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