Right people

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Esmi's P.O.V

I need to talk to someone Jaylnn and Bri are the right people I need to talk to but Jaylnn won't step a foot into this house because of Cameron and I'm pretty sure Bri is busy.

"Hey babe" Robert walks in the room I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry again god I got this.

"Hey babe" my voice cracked oh crap! I said in my head. "You feeling better?" he asked he still thinks I'm upset because I lost my I mean our baby. I am upset but such is life.

"Yeah I'm feeling okay" I said he comes to my bed and lays with me. "You don't seem okay" he said and cuddled with me. Oh god cuddling with Rob is my weakness.

"I'm fin-" I was inturrupted by Alex coming into mine and Robs room.. Oh shit.

"Hey Alex" said Robert I just kinda looked down. "Hey rob I need to talk to Esmi alone" he said it as a demand. "Okay.." he said and walked out of the room.

"Esmi we need to tell him" he said "I don't want him to get mad at you or me he doesn't suspect a thing let's just drop it!" I said.

"No I can't just 'drop it' you didn't pull away tell after 5 to 6 seconds, why?" he asked me. "I don't know I guess the first few seconds I was in shock and the next second I got the feeling to continue, but soon realized what I was doing then pulled away.

I said "So you wanted to keep kissing me?" Alex asked "No, yes, I don't know anymore" I feel so stupid not knowing my feelings. "I guess it was that day you comforted me instead of Rob was the day I started getting feelings for you" I came clean.

"Oh well honestly, I was the first one to gain feelings for you, but Rob was the one who asked you out" he said.

Is today confession day?

This is weird....

Bri's P.O.V

"Hey Rob" he walked into the kitchen "What's up, Bri" he asked "Nothing much, hey where's Esmi?" I asked him. "she's in our room talking to Alex he said that he needed to talk to her alone" he said and that made me think of something suspicious.

"Okay well I'll talk to you later" I said and walked off I'm gonna find out what's happening.

I made my way upstairs and walked right upfront to Esmi and Rob's room. I walked in and saw oh my god!

I saw Esmi and Alex kissing! "what the actual fuck Esmi?!" I yelled out Alex and Esmi pulled away.

"Dude come inside now!" Alex and Esmi said at the same time. "What the fuck did I just see?!" I asked they both looked ashamed.

"Bri I don't know how I'm feeling about Rob and about Alex" Esmi started "But I have to figure it out so I had to kiss him to see what I felt and take sometime to think about things Rob isn't the same"

She finished "Ever since my I mean our baby has died he stopped caring, that's not my Rob in there, Alex is the only one that has been making me feel I don't know.. Loved? Maybe even more" she said.

I mean I guess it's sorta true Rob isn't the same anymore. I guess I see where she's going with this. "So are you planning on breaking up with Rob?"

"See that's where I'm confused. I don't know what I'm gonna do" she says. "I'll help what did you just feel when you kissed Ac?"

"Pleasure" she answered. "Is that pleasure worth losing your relationship?" I asked her. "Yeah..." she said and that means she's clear with her feelings.

I brought Esmi to the side "hey is Alex a good kisser?" she laughed "Yes, now I'm probably gonna die because I have to tell Rob"

Carter's P.O.V

Me and Rob we're just in the kitchen eating pizza when Bri, Esmi and Alex come down.

"Sup guys?" I asked they were leaning against the counter top. Esmi stepped up and started to talk.

"Rob, I don't want you to hate me after I tell you this just know you'll always be my first love and my best friend". Im really confused here.

She kept talking "Rob I can't be with you anymore" she said mine and Rob's jaws drop to the floor. What the hell just happened?

"Esmi why are you doing this you know I love you and I know you love me" Rob said in his defense. "I know you do Rob please your making things harder, I just feel like you've changed ever since we lost the baby"

Rob looked as if he wanted to cry, and Esmi too. I guess I agree with Esmi too because Rob has changed but that doesn't mean she has to break up with him.

"I'm sorry Rob, I'm done for good" she said and walked out of the room with Bri and Alex following behind.

I decided to speak "Rob are you okay, I'm sure this is just a phase" I said he looked awful. "I've lost my baby and now I've lost my girlfriend" he said and that made me feel bad for him.


Hey guys small update it feels like I wrote a lot but I think it's a lot.

If you guys are interested follow my friends account on here you won't regret it!! Her username is

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See you guys next time!

Love you!

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