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Carter's P.O.V

Today is the day we get back at the red skins for doing what they did to us.

Because if you mess with one of us we all go after you especially if you hurt my best friend I'm sure as hell gonna get you back.

"Zach pick the lock on the house" I instructed he does as he's told.

Me, Zach and Bri also Robert are all here to get our revenge on the red skins.

I didn't want Bri here because it's to dangerous, but she is very stubborn and persistent that she came anyway because she obviously wants to get revenge for Esmi.

Alex is stuck at home to take care of Esmi he's in good condition but it's Esmi who is in a bad condition, she is the one in crutches.

"It's open" Zach says. I go in to the house and make sure the cost is clear so they can come in to the house.

Honestly there so stupid because there are no security guards no security systems to protect there house, but I don't care makes it easier for us.

"Come on" I tell them to come inside the house since there is nothing to shoot or be afraid of.

Were getting ready to go to the first room.

We go in and following behind me is Bri behind her is Zach and Robert at the end.

I pull back the first victims covers and get ready to shoot but Bri gasps and covers her mouth.

I mouth to her a "what?" and she whispers to me "That's Cameron Dallas" she says and I'm still confused.

"Who?" I ask hoping she'll be specific this time.

"This is one of my friends boyfriend" she says and I am still confused as to why she is telling me.

"I'm still gonna shoot him no matter what" I tell her and as soon as I was about to shoot him guess who wakes up..

You guessed it Cameron woke up.

"Woah don't shoot me!" he said in pure panic I think for a second you know what I'm gonna take him as a prisoner or he is gonna be bait for there leader.

"I'm not gonna kill you" I say he looks at me with disbelief and calms down.

I then turn my gun around and knock him unconscious so I can take him.

"Zach help me carry him out of here" I tell Zach and he takes Cameron.

I wanna take his best guy's the ones that always do the dirty work for him.

So I head into a different room to find another one.

I go into a different room and to my luck I find two in one room so I decided to take them both.

"Robert come take these two" I say and he comes and gets them.

I think that's enough for right now "Come on guys let's go" I say and make our way out.

Back at Esmi's house

We walk to the front door and Alex opens it I told him to keep an eye out for us.

When we walk in I call Esmi's name out. "Esmi" she comes limping in.

"You yelled?" she says I laugh and ask "Do you have basement we could use for these prisoners"

She looks at me wide eyed "Those are prisoners?!?" she asks.

"No there are prisoners" I clarify and she shows me where her basement is.

Matthew's P.O.V

I wake up at like 3 am because I heard a door shut so I get my gun from my nightstand and head downstairs.

I first go check on Cameron to see if he heard anything too.

I go in and see he is not there so my instinct tells me to go to Nash and Hayes room.

I barge into there room and there gone too.

This could mean two things they left to go do something or Carter took them.

I'm gonna go with the second one shit man they were my best guy's.

Carter is gonna wish he didn't do that. Pay back is a bitch.

Carter's P.O.V

*The next day*

"Carter there awake" Alex says coming up to me.

"Alright time to interrogate them" I say and make my way down to the basement.

Alex and Robert follow me down there.

"Well look who's up" I say in a sarcastic tone.

I walk closer to them and ask. "Who out of the three of you caused a car accident recently?"

They all stay quiet "Not talking are we?" I say and reach for my gun I pick it up and point it to the youngest one of there members.

"Don't shoot him will talk!!" Cameron says I point my gun towards him and say "Alright start talking"

"I caused a car accident about a day ago, but what's the big deal?" he says I laugh and say

"The big deal is you put one of my best friends in the hospital while he was driving with another one of my friends who was pregnant, you caused that accident and she lost her baby." I say his face drops.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot all of you right now" I ask them.

"It's nice to see you again Nash" I. say he looks away "And you Nash I'm guessing you were the one that decided to start shooting at our house almost killing us"

"I should kill all of you" I say there eyes go wide and they start to panic.

"But I'm not" I say they calm down a bit and the youngest member starts to talk.

"Then what are you gonna do to us?" he says I think for a second then say.

"Welcome to the Gang"


Author's note

I'm so sorry I took forever to update this chapter it got deleted at least three times.

I had to re-write everything which kinda made me mad because I forgot some stuff.

But here you go

Love you guy's

Vote for the next chapter.

Love Esmi ♡

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