He's after us

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Carter's P.O.V

See thanks to gilinsky we have finally got a whole lot of people to join us in the rebellion against Matt.

We got everything ready by tonight.

"It turns out I wasn't the only one that wanted to rebel against Matt"

Me and Bri have gotten a lot closer since the whole shooting in the house she's grown on me.

Me and Bri help train a lot of the new recruits. That way they can think a lot better and be more active towards their decision on what there gonna do next.

"Aye Carter! I'm honestly greatfull that I left to come to your gang y'all are all so welcoming well not all the time but yeah" Jack Johnson said

"Were glad you feel that way, now get back to training" I say and he keeps training.

Bri's P.O.V

"Carter!" I yell he looks and flashes a smile "What's up Bri?" he asks "Nothing much, I got a trace of Matt's phone calls and I don't think he's the only one after you" I say his expression changes and he looks down at the phone.

"Who was the last person he talked to?" he asked I look and see "The last person he talked to was a guy named Tyler"

He looked around at the list and got a sudden change of attitude.

"Were gonna need to train hard and fast, thanks Bri "and he kissed my cheek and walked back to everyone else we'll that was weird we haven't had any moments like this since that night.

Alex's P.O.V

"Hey, Carter I need to talk to you" I said we walked away a bit from everyone "Tyler is behind this all" I said and he just shook his head "I know Bri told me but she doesn't know that we know him, this is about revenge this isn't about getting to Matt this is about getting to Tyler" he says and it all starts making sense.

"He's trying to get revenge on something that happened three years ago" I say Carter agrees.

*Flashback to Three years ago*

Tyler:"Carter we can't do this were gonna lose so many people if we do"

Carter: "We can handle this"

Me: "Cost is clear guys move in"

Zach: "Go! Tyler!"

Tyler: "Let's move out"

Robert: "Go go go"

Everyone was attacking the people we were out numbered but still managed to pull through because we were hard work in combat.

Me and Tyler got separated from each other I had thought that he was with any other one of the guys from the crew but apparently I was wrong he was fighting alone.

When I had found him he looked unconscious and dead because he was bleeding from his neck and had his eyes closed it led me to think he was dead.

I had told Carter that night to fall back and leave we well I say we but in reality it was me I had left Tyler behind.

But the only reason I did that was because I thought he was dead. Two days had passed since that day and we were watching the news we had found out that Tyler was found alive and put in a different jail from Carter. He was blamed for the killings of the people that night.

*Flashback over*

"He's after us now that he's out" was the last thing I said before walking away from Carter.

Tyler's P.O.V

"Just find out where they are Matt if you don't I will kill you myself" I said and hung up

"Oh your so gonna get it mahone"

Cameron's P.O.V

"Hayes, where is Nash?" I ask he looks back and forth then says "I think he went upstairs" I thank him and make my way upstairs.

I walked into a somewhat opened room and saw Nash.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked Nash.

"Just thinking" he said "About?" I asked. "Matt he's been are best friend for so long now we're going against him" he said realization hit me hard we are gonna fight against Matt.

"What if we all go against the one who is actually controlling us instead of just Matt." I say

"That could work but we need to tell Carter" Nash says "What if he says no though?" I ask. "Then we're gonna have to fight no matter what" he says and we were once again stuck on this road block.

Carter's P.O.V

"Guys this is enough training for today good job get some rest" I tell them all.

Most of the new recruits live with us at Esmi's house. Esmi is training to with Bri surprisingly she is fighting good.

Esmi's P.O.V

"Hey Alex!" I said he looked depressed and not in the mood. I can fix that. "Hi" and he kept walking away. "Alex where you headed to?" he looked back and said "somewhere you don't need to know" he said in a mad attitude.

"Well damn Alex what crawled up your ass and died" I said I laughed at how funny I was just kidding.

"Nothing just leave me alone Esmi" he said he started walking faster leaving me behind. Believe me I wanted to leave him alone but I couldn't he can't stay like this, this isn't like Alex.

Alex's P.O.V

I had told Esmi to leave me alone because I didn't want to be around anyone especially Esmi she's really sensitive so if I told her to get lost she'll take it literal.

She had followed me into my room and sat down with me on my bed.

"What's wrong Alex?" she asked I shook my head "nothing is wrong" she looks at me knowing that I'm lying.

"I know something is wrong just tell me" she pleaded. I stayed quiet. "Alex! Tell me I hate when people are like this you know it" she said but again I stayed quiet.

"Ale-" I inturrupted her "GOD DAMMIT ESMI NOTHING IS WRONG CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" I had realized that, that was mean she was only trying to help me out but I wanted to be alone.

She got off of the bed and her eyes were starting to get red.

Now I really felt bad. "Wait Esmi!" I yelled out she kept walking I ran towards her I grabbed her wrist and turned her around and gave her a big hug and she started crying even harder.

"I'm sorry" I said she cleared her tears and hugged me back. "it's okay" she sniffled. I brought her chin up and apologized once again but something came over me and BAM!

I was kissing Esmi in my room. Holy shit Robert is gonna kill me no wait she's not pulling back either. Wait what?!?

She pulled away and covered her mouth looked at me and slapped me and ran out of the room I guess I deserved that?

Carter's P.O.V

"Hey Esmi" I said as she was headed towards me she just stormed away, huh I wonder what happened?

"Hey Bri" I say she looks up from her plate of pizza "Hey Carter" she took a bite out of her pizza.

"About earlier" I started but soon I was inturrupted by Bri "it's fine I didn't expect it don't think it was bad that you kissed my cheek because it wasn't"

That put a huge smile on my face.

Authors note

Im back thank you for everyone who commented saying that I need to update and that they like my book I love you guys so much!

So here's a chapter it gets off topic and then on topic.

Thank you please Vote for the next chapter!

-Love Esmi ♡

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