project run away.

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Bri's P.O.V

My eyes opened wide when I heard a loud bang. "Look who's awake" Matt says someone right next to him. "Leave her to me" the voice of the guy said. Matt left the room and I got chills. Why do I feel like Matt is a lot nicer of a bad guy then this guy.

"Bri? Is it?" he asked I stayed quiet. "Oh I'm sorry, was I not loud enough?" he said I stayed quiet again. He got closer to me and held a blade right by my neck. "Now, what is your name?" I didn't want to open up so easily so I stood my ground and stayed quiet. He pushed the blade down with more force then before and I started feeling blood come out.

"I'm not gonna ask again this is your last chance. What is your name?!" he raised his voice at the end of that sentence. "Bri" I said nothing else "What I didn't quite hear that what did you say?" he said "Bri" I said once again a little bit louder "That's better" he removes the blade from my neck and walks back a bit.

"Now, about your 'boyfriend'" he says I follow his every move with my eyes "He knows who I am and what I'm capable of doing, sorry your poor friend had to die" he stopped and looked at me when he said that. I was a bit lost what did he mean by "sorry your poor friend had to die". "Who died?" I asked in fear of who it could've been.

"Matt" he yells out, Matt walks in. "Who was it that you said died?" he asked him like if he didn't already know the answer "Oh! This little girl she put up a fight, but nothing stopped me from stabbing her" he smirked I instantly knew what he was talking about. The memories played back and it was haunting me "Esmi" I said.

They look up at me in confusion. "Esmi the girl that you stabbed, her name is Esmi" I say through gritted teeth. "Esmi was her name" they started laughing. "OH MY GOD IF I WASN'T CHAINED UP I'D KILL BOTH OF YOUR ASSES" I screamed out.
They didn't do much but stare "When Carter finds me y'all will be sorry and y'all will wish you had never messed with us. Especially with Esmi." I finish and they walk out.

I start to cry. Esmi can't be dead she's stronger than that. Oh my god. Now I have to get out of here. Screw waiting I need to do this myself.

I struggle to get out of the chains, but then I hear something shortly after I try and give up.

"Bri you know your stronger than these chains. Why are you struggling?" I turn around and see nothing, I think I'm going crazy. "Yeah I know you can't see me I'm still getting used to this being 'dead' thing" I hear and suddenly an aura of white comes to me "Hey Bri" woah woah woah. I'm definitely going crazy.

"Esmi, is that you?" I ask still thinking I'm going crazy "Yeah, it's me" what is going on "What?, how are you here?" I ask "That's what I'm trying to figure out you know but I think this is like ghost whisperer kind of stuff where I have unfinished business to take care of then I can go into the light" she says, oh yeah this is definitely Esmi in spirit.

"You would think by now Carter would of found you" she said "I know right!?" I said "I mean it only took me one day to find you" she said and smiled. "Esmi I'm gonna miss you so much" I say almost getting ready to cry, "I'm definitely gonna miss you too Bri" she said and looked down.

"Hey come on this is no time for sad stuff, I'm gonna get you out of here" she said I had a look of confusion as to what she was going to do. "Ready?" she said "Go" she disappeared and I was so lost "Esmi?!, Esmi?!" nothing she didn't answer.

I soon start to hear commotion in the other room, what is going on? I think to myself. It got quite a little bit then I heard a big crash on a door or a wall soon afterwards Esmi reappears.

"ESMI! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I screamed aloud "Dude chill I got the keys to let you free! Come on we don't have a lot of time" she gives me the keys and I quickly try and find the ones that fit the lock. After the fourth key I finally got it!

"I'm free let's go Esmi!!" I start to run out "Here turn left" Esmi was walking me through this "Go, go, go faster!" she says "turn right" I turned right around the corner and I saw a door "that must be the exit!" I said and we ran towards it. Indeed it was the exit! We finally made it out. "Esmi thank you, so much" I say sincerely.

"I think you can find your way back to my house now" she smiles "I believe my business is done here" Esmi said "Wait what do you mean?" I said "I'm done, this was the only reason I could stay was to help you, I have to go now" she said slowly disappearing into the morning sky "Esmi you can't leave, you can't, you have to stay!" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry Bri, My time is up. You'll still have Carter and everyone else living there, if you have kids with Carter and it's a girl name it after me" she said I started crying "Hey don't cry I'll be here just look up at the sky I'll be anywhere. I love you Bri." was the last thing she said before she disappeared "I love you too Esmi"

Bri's P.O.V

When Esmi left I had to find my way back to her house somehow without my phone, I knew where I was somehow maybe old memories.

So I started walking and walking to see if I can find a gas station or something so I could use a payphone. I needed to contact Carter.

Carter's P.O.V
*5 hours later*

I got a phone call from a random number I didn't want to answer it just cause I thought it would be a wrong number or Matt. I answered anyway. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

Carter: "Hello?"
Caller: "Carter trace this phone call and pick me up now"
Carter: "Bri! Oh my god your okay, okay I'll trace it."
"GUYS HURRY AND TRACE THIS PHONE CALL" I yell out and Zach comes running down the stairs with his laptop. "Keep them on the line" Zach said "Okay" I said but then after Bri said "hurry" the call dropped.

"Zach did you get the location?!" I said almost screaming. "Annnnnnd we got it!! Just in time, she's at a gas station the address is 5237 Oakland drive" he finished I got my keys jumped in my car and drove to the Gas Station.

Bri's P.O.V

"Hurry" I said and then the call had dropped. So I waited for Carter to come luckily I had some money on me to buy some junk food.

I went into the Gas Station and went straight for the little "restaurant" they had there and ordered a cheeseburger and a Dr Pepper with some French fries.

I waited for my food, this was a pretty cool Gas Station. "Number 452" the cashier said that was me. I went up and got my food.

I went back to my table and started watching whatever was on the TV. It was the news. I kept watching it and the news reporter started talking about a murder and a kidnapping, the cop that was handling the case was oh no... It was my dad.

The news reporter interviewed him "Yes, the police is on it as we speak. We will find the missing person and put an end to this mass murderer." they went back to weather. Oh my god my dad is handling this case, I haven't talked to him since I moved out of his house into Esmi's.

"Bri!" I heard my name it was Carter! I got so happy, "Thank god your okay! I'm gonna get them back for this don't worry" he said and we left the Gas Station.

Vote for the next chapter guys!!
It's about to end!

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