Honeymoon phase

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Bri's P.O.V

I am now Bri Mahone. Wow. I still can't process this... Carter took me to the house he had built for the both of us (well he didn't build it but you get the picture) he carried me in the house like one of those cheesy movies.

"Welcome home my love" it's still as beautiful as the first day I saw it
"This is incredible! I never thought I could be this happy!" I said "Well baby girl you deserve it, you deserve it all" I smiled and looked down at the floor. "So shall we get to it" Carter winked, I ran upstairs to hurry up and change into my "sexy clothes" Esmi made me buy it but honestly I don't regret buying it.

I hurried and put on this two piece like bra and underwear type thing and it was black with little bit of silver glitter which made it look awesome! Once I was ready, I opened the door and Carter was waiting for me on the bed, once he saw me he immediately froze and stuttered "You look beautiful and sexy" which made me laugh a little.

He got off the bed and got closer to me he picked me up and I wrapped around his torso he dropped me on the bed and started leaving a trace of kisses down my body... Oh yeah this was gonna be a good night!

Alex's P.O.V

"Were here!!!" Esmi shrieked as she got off of the airplane. She was so happy and excited. I loved it.

There was a car waiting to take us to the house that Esmi originally rented out for Carter and Bri but you know the story. "Let's go babe!" Esmi said getting in the car, I laughed and carried all the bags in the car and ran in.

Once we arrived to the house Esmi was astonished, she loved it here so much "Do you need help with your bags Sir?" the driver said "Yes, please." I said Esmi was looking around "Will that be all Sir?" the driver asked "As of right now, yes thank you.. -", "It's Gerald, sorry didn't say earlier", "Well thank you Gerald, that will be all" I gave him a tip, he smiled and walked off.

"Alex! Come in here the view is so beautiful!" I hear Esmi yell from upstairs "I'm coming!" I yell as I run up the stairs "Wow, isn't this incredible!?" she says taking in all of the Greece beauty. I hug her from behind "It is incredible" I say kissing her neck "You wouldn't know you aren't looking she laughs" I bring my head up and look out the window "Wow" is all I mange to say.

"Breath taking isn't it" Esmi says "Yeah, so what shall we do first?" I question Esmi. She looks around outside then back to me and smirked "I say we try something fun" I look at her confused "Like?" I say still confused. She looks at the bed then me again, ohhh I see what she means...

"let's do it princess" I say she jumps to me and starts kissing me I lead us to the bed.

Cameron's P.O.V

"So does this mean I'm forgiven?" I look over to Jaylnn who was cuddling right next to me "Yes" she says snuggling closer to me. I smiled and closed my eyes laying down with Jaylnn the love of my life.

Rob's P.O.V

"Oh shit, what did I do?!" I looked over to my right and saw Tori an old friend of mine and Carter's she came to their wedding and now she's in my bed "Shut up Rob, I'm trying to sleep" she said, I freaked out for a bit but it's okay, Tori and I we've been talking for a while now so this was bound to happen sometime in the future. It's time to move on.

Zach's P.O.V

I woke up this morning holding Tina, this lovely girl I met at Bri and Carter's wedding, we didn't do anything last night which I'm totally okay with, she's not that kind of girl which I'm proud of.. I think she might be the one.

Bri's P.O.V

"Wow" I said breathing heavily "That was.. Wow" I said snuggling closer to Carter. "I love you so much Bri" Carter said kissing my head. "I love you too, Carter" I said and we laid with each other throughout the whole night just admiring each others presence.

The End.


Yasss!! The end! I know sucky ending I can't end books I don't really know how to lol but yay! Last chapter!! I'm so happy I finished the book

- love Esmi ♡♡♡

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