What comes next

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Esmi's P.O.V

"HE PROPOSED!!! AWWW" I didn't see that coming well no I did see this coming from miles away! But no! No one listens to me!

"I'm so happy for the both of you!" I hug them both "Now let's get down to business we need to start planning like right now!

I'm I the only one who is supremely happy about this!! "Let's get planning!" I yelled out throughout the whole house. Everyone was laughing at me. They think I'm playing, I'm being serious. "Let's go Bri, I know the best bridal store there is!" and I grabbed her and dragged her in the car with me.

"Let's go pick up Jaylnn on the way?" Bri suggested! And I loved the idea cause me and Jaylnn were gonna be bridesmaids!! I bet the guys are gonna go last minute tux shopping, ugh I have to do everything around here! But first Bri! We stopped at Jaylnn's house and caught her up with everything that had happened. It took her a while to process it but she managed to pull through.

"So Cam still feels something for me right? He didn't pretend or anything right?" she asked hope in her eyes "Yes what he felt was real and authentic, Jaylnn you guys should get back together" I say she smiled while looking at the ground.

Bri's P.O.V

"No, No, no" I said "Why not!!" Esmi pleaded "That dress is a big no!" I said "Why!! You'll look like Cinderella!" it was a puffy white dress and I was not okay with it "Ugh!!! Fine Bri!" she goes and puts the dress back "Hmm what about this one Bri?" she holds up a dress that is really pretty "Hmm I'll try it on" I say. I go in the fitting room and oh my God.

I love this dress! Oh my god, I step out of the fitting room and show Esmi and Jaylnn, "what do y'all think?" I say strutting my stuff "That's it! That's the one","I agree" Jaylnn and Esmi said well it's settled I'm getting this one.

Esmi's P.O.V

Once we dropped off Jaylnn back at her house I had to get the guys out of the house so I could get Bri to bring in her dress without anyone noticing.

So I texted Alex and I told him to take Carter and all the guys to have Carter buy a tux so we can sneak in Bri's dress, and he quickly responded with "Alright, love you" I texted him saying "I love you too" and on they went.

Carter's P.O.V

Alex suggested we start going to pick out tuxedos today and I agreed but with all the guys that's gonna be crazy and I mean it. "So where are we gonna go?" I asked "The tux store on 28th street" Alex responded

**at the tux store**

"All of these suits are the same" I said "Which color do you want sir?" I pondered for a minute "Black" I responded to the man holding the tape measure.

"Ah okay an all black suit I see where you're going with this" the guy said and walked away. "Hey Carter what about this one" Nash held up a white suit and I quickly said "No that's not the one" the guy with the tape measure came back with a black bag.

"Try this one on so perfect for you" he pushed me in the fitting room and I unzipped the black bag revealing an all black suit and I loved it. Once I had it on I stepped outside and showed the guys. "What do y'all think?" I strutted "That's the one" they all said and I thanked the guy with the tape measure for picking out my suit and paid him.

Once we left the store we went to go eat at Olive Garden.

Bri's P.O.V

"Okay, give me 2 weeks" Esmi said pleading, she wants to get everything done in two weeks I don't think that's humanely possible... "Fine, if you think you can plan a wedding in 2 weeks go for it" I said she jumped with excitement. "Yay!" she shrieked. She runs off with her phone and starts calling people.

Oh how I love Esmi.

"Honey! I'm home!" yelled Carter when he walked in through the house he was carrying a large black bag. "Woah did you kill someone?" I laughed, he smirked and said "Maybe" then walked away with the black bag in his grasp. Hmm, I shrugged it off.

You could Esmi pacing back and forth in the kitchen trying to organize everything. "Alex," I called "What's up?" he smiled "Go calm Esmi down, it's barely been 10 minutes and she's already pacing back and forth" he laughs and walks into the kitchen with Esmi.

Alex's P.O.V

"Yes, I need to have you here in 2 weeks which is June 25 is that fine?" she asks the guy on the phone "Alright, thank you so much have a great day!" she said and hung up the phone. "Boom! That's how you do it!" she claps, I laugh "Everything okay?" I ask

"Yeah! Everything is awesome! Everything is planned I told Bri I've could but no she didn't believe me" Esmi said I hugged her tight and kissed her forehead "I'm proud of you" I said she nuzzled her head in my neck "Thank you, now if you excuse me I have to go talk to the future bride to be." she walked away, I laughed and walked away.

Bri's P.O.V

"How did it go?" I asked Carter "Oh, it went great! And we had Olive Garden afterwards" I said "Oh nice!" I tried having small talk but I honestly just wanted his lips on me, I was craving his touch, his lips, his everything.. What's wrong with me?! What is he doing to me?!

I was standing by the door, and he sat down on the edge of the bed. Perfect. I walked closer to where he was and went in between his legs he looked up at me. I bit my lip and and leaned in he stood up a bit so the kiss could come quick. He quickly deepened the kiss and held onto my waist as if his life depended on it.

He broke the kiss and stood up so I wasn't leaning down anymore he switched spots with me and threw me on the bed, well let's see how this goes. He got on top of me and took off his shirt, revealing his tight, toned, tattooed body. I was gonna take off his pants when...
Esmi burst through the door. Oh my god. It had to be Esmi.

"Eww!! No I did not just interrupt what I think I just interrupted" she said covering her face. I laughed oh my God, this is so Esmi.

"What do you want Esmi?" I said Carter still on top of me. "I wanted to tell you that everything is under control, because I just planned your whole wedding! Boom!" she said "Well that's great! June 25 better be ready cause they don't know what's coming" I said. "Okay now Esmi please leave" I say "Oh shit yeah!" she says before closing the door and leaving.

"Now where were we?" I smirked at Carter he smirked back and we went back to doing what we were doing.


Hey guys don't forget to vote and comment what you think might happen next! Almost done with this book and so excited for the ending!

- Love Esmi ♡

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