Break apart

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Carter's P.O.V

I really wanna keep everyone safe. By doing that everyone is gonna hate me. I wanna finish this by myself. I'm the one Matt wants. Although I think if I face him by myself he's gonna hurt my family.

I know I called them my family. Don't judge me they are my family now.

Their the best thing that has ever happened to me especially Bri. No matter how much she drives me insane. I love her.

My plan to keep them safe is to make them think that we found Matt but in reality its just gonna be some random person that I'm gonna pay to be Matt.

I know if they ever found out they'd never trust me but it's for their own good.

Bri's P.O.V

"So your saying I can't leave the house?" Esmi said "That's exactly what I'm saying." I finish "Bruh I'm hungry and we have no food here thanks to all the guys we have living here." she said in a sarcastic way. I laughed. "Bri I'm just gonna go to the store buy groceries and come back and maybe even buy pizza so I won't have to cook for anyone" she said.

I was hesitant at first since Carter told me to make sure no one leaves the house. I don't know why he doesn't want us to leave but I mean orders are orders.

"Fine let's go Esmi." I said she jumped for joy. She's such a child. I said in my head.

I texted Carter to tell him that only me and Esmi were going to get groceries and pizza then come straight back home so he won't freak out.

Carter's P.O.V

I got a text message from Bri saying she was going to buy groceries and buy pizza then go straight home afterwards. I quickly responded a lie I texted saying "Alright I'll see y'all here I'm at the grocery store too buying food for the house that the guys wanted" I realized that, that was a horrible lie but I mean I could always race over there.

Soon as I was done with the "fake matt" I raced into my Range Rover and drove fast to the grocery store.

Bri's P.O.V

We finally arrived to the grocery store and Esmi couldn't have been more happy that we were there. She got a shopping cart and started walking through the aisles. I took out my phone and right when I did that Esmi took my phone out of my hands and she started to type away..

"What are you texting Carter?" I ask with a confusing tone. She responds "I'm texting him to buy me I mean you pads, just so we can see him struggle" she laughed. I laughed alongside her. Within the next couple of seconds passed by Carter responded.

"Whaaaatttt?! Oh god okay." the text read we decided to make our way over there so we could have a laugh at Carter looking at "girl products". As we got there we didn't see Carter we waited cause we thought he was by the guy stuff but he didn't show..

*10 minutes later*

Esmi starts talking "Bri I don't think he's coming for the stuff" I agree. We come out of hiding. "what if he's not even here dude" we start to ponder.. It's true we didn't even see his Range Rover out in the parking lot.

Was Carter lying about where he was? That's a whole another level of fucked up. I thought he trusted us. We decided to just get the things we needed for the house and a lot of food that might last us 6 months or so.

We left the grocery store and went straight home I didn't wanna confront Carter about this.. Not yet at least. When we got home Carter still wasn't there. We came in and all the boys came rushing down. Esmi yelled out to them go outside to the car and help with the groceries. Everyone helped except Rob.

Rob and Alex still aren't necessarily on a good page still. So whenever Alex and Esmi are in one room Rob immediately leaves. I feel sorry for him. I feel like Esmi should be with Rob so he can be happy again. But I want Esmi happy too and she seems happy with Alex so.. I'll leave this to her.

Carter pulls in shortly after all the groceries are put away and since he went "food shopping" too the guys had to help again. We brought in 7 boxes of pizza so we could maybe and I say maybe have leftovers for the next day. But I highly doubt that we will.

Carter's P.O.V

Shortly after we were all eating that bomb ass pizza I went into my room and laid down for a bit so I can let my food go down and then shower.

As the food went down I went to my closet to pick out my clothes for when I get out of the shower I kept it simple and just brought out the casual gray sweats and a black V-neck.

I went into the bathroom and started the shower.

I couldn't help but think that I in a couple of days would have to break everyone's trust by doing what I thought would keep everyone safe.

This is not okay I thought to myself.

Whatever I need to do this I have too.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed I went downstairs and found Esmi in the kitchen eating pizza again. She looks up as I walk in. "Hey there, Carter" she says in an intimidating voice. "Hi there Esmi.." I trail off. She's pretty intimidating for a small person. But she can literally tear you down.

"I have a quick question" she says putting down the pizza. Well this is serious. "Ask away" I say back no emotion whatsoever. If I show emotion she's gonna assume and that's what I don't wanna see.

"Why, have you been distant from us, why so secretive?" she asks. I answer without thought " I haven't" I mentally slap myself. "You haven't?" she laughs a little. Oh no here comes interrogation Esmi.

"Really, ever since that day that everything went down, you've been going out more" she says. She's not as clueless as she acts. Not even Bri has asked where I've been going. I guess she knows not to ask cause I won't answer back.

"I'm on to you Carter. I don't want you doing anything you'll regret, I'm only doing this for everyone especially for Bri. She's completely oblivious to what you've been doing only because she likes you." I look at Esmi with a serious face.

"Nothing's going on" I say she doesn't buy it. "Okay." she says bleakly and takes her pizza and leaves the kitchen. I let out a breath that I've been holding. She comes back in looking a lot like her normal Esmi self. She gives me a hug "Thank you" she said. "What for?" I ask she pulls away "For being there for everyone especially for Bri, I've been with her for a long long time and your the only person that's been able to make her as happy and excited about life I mean besides me of course" she laughs at the last part.

"It's no problem I should be thanking you guys for all of the things y'all had helped with in my life" I say and she shrugs her shoulders "What are friends for" she said and walked back out of the kitchen. I go back to my room and stop and process everything.

It's gonna be one hell of a week.

Another short chapter someone was getting impatient *cough cough* Bri *cough cough* lol 😂

Hope y'all enjoy and comment what you think might happen next don't forget to vote or like whatever it is 😂😂

Love ya! ♡

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