Chapter 4•mine

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TW: mentions of drug use and rape

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TW: mentions of drug use and rape

New York City is the place I fell in love with the most purest gorgeous girl in the entire world. And I left her.

I once used to be the happiest but now everything has changed.

I look outside my window and stare at the gorgeous sunset. The orange and yellow mix together creating a vibrant town. I want her next to me like old times. I pushed the thought to the back of my head. I can't. I can't let her in if I do, she'll see the monster that was created. I can't be selfish. She could get hurt.

It's been 4 years since I broke her heart and my heart. I never wanted to leave. I was the heir to the Italian mafia. I had to be trained. My father has always been strict. He always wanted the best for me and the famiglia.

But now, I doubt it. 

I had to leave because my father would have made Salvatore the heir. I can't be selfish and let my brother do it for me. Salvatore is younger than me and begged me to not take the famiglia and not to leave Mia. But I had to. I couldn't let my brother go through the pain of training. 

All the scars you get. All the pain you get. All of the threats you get for the people you love. 

We all had to leave. We had so much to prepare for. I sent my brothers, Luka and Salvatore, back to New York so they could take care of her. I wanted to go back and take care of her and be by her side every single day. But I couldn't.

I still can't. I have to distant myself. I can't hurt her, not again. But fuck is it hard. Seeing her today, seeing how much she has changed. She's changed for the better. 

She doesn't need me. I kept repeating in my head. 

I can't live without her. These 4 years have been hell for me. But, it was worth it because my mafia is the most notorious, scandalous, and deadly mafia in all of Europe. We even pushed back the Russian mafia. I own all of New York City. I own the law, the dirty pigs, and the politicians. Nothing gets past me without me knowing.

I'm back and I'm here to stay.

I heard a knock on my door and said "Come in". They came in and it was my second in command. 

"Boss, we have information that Ms. Smith is going to be here tomorrow," said Wedton. I think? Or was it Wenston? Fuck I don't know. 

"What does that have to do with me, Wedton?' I said with a glare. 

"Boss, it's Wyatt. And Ms. Smith is your fiancé. I thought you would want to know" he said nervously.

I turned around "I don't give a shit who she is. She is not my fiancé. Get out of my face Wenston and come back when you find out about Paleo" I said with anger laced in my voice. He quickly left and closed my door. Finally he's good at something once.

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