chapter 21• wounds

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TW: blood and gore

The sound of laughter filled the air.

The hot coffee burned my throat.

The coffee wasn't too hot and wasn't too cold, it was perfect.

Last night, I didn't know what to feel.

I didn't know if I should feel happy or angry, or anything at all.

All I knew was I felt relieved when he said he wanted to stay.

I wasn't expecting it at all but I felt as if there was a possibility.

A possibility for what?

I'm not sure.

The buzzing of my phone caught my attention. I sighed and grabbed it.

Sally boo <3- Is Lyia at school?

Me- No she wasn't feeling too good. Is everything okay?

I set my phone down when my phone buzzed again. I grabbed it expecting a text from Sal but the next thing I knew it was something else.

It was an email from SVHS Lyia's school.

My heart instantly fell to the pit of my stomach as I read the email.

Dear SVHS parents/guardians,

SVHS has been a highly respected school for decades. Our students' safety has always been our priority. That being said, I regret to inform you about the despairing lockdown we had today due to outside threats. An anonymous tip was received by the main office today of a shooting that would take place a few miles away from the school. We went into lockdown at approximately 12:09 pm for safety measures. We had the local police surrounding the area of the school. Our current update is that the shooting has stopped and everything is being handled. We will be doing our classes regularly. Please contact us at any time.

Thank you,

Mark Murray.

I looked up at Lyia, thankful that I told her to stay home because she didn't feel too good.

Lyia looked at me with confusion. I gave her my phone and her eyes widened.

"God, I'm thankful I didn't go to school today-" said Lyia, shocked.

Lee looked at us with confusion. "What's wrong?" asked Celeste.

Lyia handed my phone to Celeste.

"Oh god, that's horrible!" said Celeste, concerned.

A sigh left Nariyah's lips. "What is going on in schools? A place where people are supposed to feel safe is turned into a place of shootings," said Nariyah.

"It's so sad to hear about this," I said, frowning.

"Those poor kids," said Lee.

"Let's just hope and pray this doesn't happen again," said Celeste. We all agreed.

I went up to Lyia and hugged her. "You okay babe?" I asked, softly.

She nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to go check in with my friends," said Lyia.

I nodded. She went into her room and I sat down. We all continued talking.

I went to the sink and cleaned up my cup and put it up. "Hey M," said Nariyah.

I smiled and looked at her while grabbing the small brown towel. "I forgot to tell you, but Milo said he's going out of town for some errands, so he won't be back until later tonight," she said.

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