chapter 28• livid

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The hot water touched my skin gently.

The steam of the hot water flowing carelessly through the whole bathroom.

The bathroom smelled like lavender and roses. I felt actually calm. I felt like I was finally able to breathe after so many years.

I got out of the shower and went straight to the mirror.

I cleaned the fog off. I looked at myself and the person staring back at me was the little girl that didn't have anything.

The same girl who fought with herself to be strong and not weak. The same girl who had not happy memories living in Jones Street.

The same girl who was in a plain white large t-shirt with blood trailing down her bicep.

She looked at me with hope in her eyes. She gave me a small smile and walked away.

I was finally visible in the mirror. I had a small smile on my face.

I felt some serenity. I smiled remembering how Santiago helped me so much and was there for me.

I put on my clothes and left the bathroom. I looked at the bed to see Sal laying down on his phone.

"So, why didn't you go to work today?" he asked, looking at me.

"I had homework to do," I said.

"What happened," I asked, changing the topic.

"You suck ass at changing topics. Now, wanna lie again?" he asked, getting up from laying down. His hands were on the bed keeping him up.

"Sal, hush. What happened?" I asked, annoyed.

He was silent. I sighed and put my other clothes into the laundry basket.

I grabbed some moisturizer. I applied it on my face while looking at the large mirror.

I made sure to leave the curtains opened. The city was visible.

I could get used to this. Waking up to this view everyday?

Hell yeah.

"Alessio and I got into a fight again," he said, nervously.

I turned to face him in the chair.

"What? When?" I asked, worried.

He let out a sigh of annoyance. "Today an hour ago,"

I laid down next to him while he laid down next to me. "What happened now?" I asked.

"I left," he said, blankly.

"Why?" I asked, curiously but also worried.

"The damn bounty he has set," said Salvatore, pissed off.

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