chapter 12• flashbacks

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Please be aware of the trigger warnings! And please read the Author's note at the end

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Please be aware of the trigger warnings! And please read the Author's note at the end.

TW: Child abuse, Mention of rape, Sexual Assault

Sounds of deafening music woke me up from my short nap.

The torn up blanket laid on top of my fragile and bruised body.

Looking outside the window, it's dark and gloomy. The sound of the music being raised tremendously made me cover my ears.

Hearing footsteps come to the broken door I quickly laid back in bed and closed my eyes.

Please. Please don't be drunk.

The reeking smell of alcohol filled my senses and I kept telling myself to stay quiet.

They will leave, if I stay quiet, right?

I've only been with them for a year and they were only nice when the foster home people came.

I'm 5 years old today and I can't wait until they give me their present. Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez told me that they have a special present for me.

"Slut, wake up," said Mrs. Vasquez.

I slowly got up, not knowing where it would lead me.

She grabbed my hair and started dragging me.

I clawed my small hands against her hands.

I wanted to scream and yell and tell her to stop but I couldn't

Rule number 1- Never talk to them unless they tell you to.

She stopped. She turned around and I felt a sharp sting against my cheek.

Tears came pouring out. "Weak pathetic bitch," said Mrs. Vasquez, laughing.

I whipped my tears away. We went into the office and she slammed me into the ground.

I hissed in pain. Aches of pain traveled all throughout my body. "Get up, cunt" said Mr. Vasquez.

Gathering all of the strength a five year old can have I stood up and gazed down at the floor.

"Ah, I see you remember the rules," said Mr. Vasquez, coming in front of me.

Rule 2- Never look them in the eyes.

"Are you ready for your present, Mia?" Mr. Vasquez said. Knowing better than to respond I kept my mouth shut.

My hair was pulled and my head snapped up. "I asked you a question, puta," he snarled.

"Y- yes Mr. Vasquez" I said, closing my eyes.

"Good," he continued. "Malvado, come on in," he yelled. He finally released my hair and I quickly looked down.

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