chapter 18• openings

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Mia's POV

TW: Blood and gore

I parked my car and grabbed my small bag.

The workers for the club park on the backside of the club.

Music blaring from inside.

The cold wind splashing against my cheek.

Not too chilly but still cold.

I took a deep breath. Just as I was about to enter, I saw a girl behind me carrying heels and many garment bags. She was struggling to come to the door. I could barely see her face because of the amount of garment bags she had.

She had a bag of makeup that fell. I went up to her.

Please don't make a fool out of yourself Mia.

I grabbed her makeup bag. She was about to bend down and grab it when I grabbed it for her . She moved the bags to the side so I could see her face. "Oh thank you so much" she said, smiling.

She had tan skin and her makeup was absolutely stunning.

"No problem, do you need help? I can help carry some of your bags inside, if you would like me to" I said.

You're talking too much, shut the fuck up.

She smiled. "Really?" she asked. I nodded.

She handed me four garment bags.

"Thank you so much. Are you one of the bartenders?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah" I said.

"Oh that's cool. I'm Gaia and I'm one of the dancers" she said.

"I'm Mia," I said, smiling. I held the door for her as she entered. She thanked me.

The club is opening at 8:00pm currently it's 6:30. We have a few preparations to do.

A lady with red hair came up to us.

She looked at Gaia and I before she said, "Strippers are supposed to be in the back,"

Don't call people strippers, it's incredibly rude. People do what they have to survive. I respect that.

"What a bitch. Aren't you one of the managers?" asked Gaia.

"I am and both of you are late. Go get dressed" demanded the lady.

Gaia rolled her eyes. "I already told Mr. Moretti. I don't see the problem" the lady rolled her eyes. 

"Whatever. I didn't know so you're late" said the lady.

"It was nice to meet you Mia. Have a great shift" said Gaia, smiling. Gaia started to walk away.

"Wait, Gaia. What time does your shift end?" I asked. I caught up with her remembering I had a few of her garment bags.

"11:30" said Gaia. I nodded. "Mine too. I'll put these into your room" I said.

We began walking to her dressing room and she unlocked her room.

We entered the room and I put her bags on the couch.

"Thank you once again Mia. I'll see you in a little bit" said Gaia, smiling.

I smiled and headed out.

I went to the staff room and put up my bag in the locker. I kept my phone in my jeans pocket.

There were at least four other people in there including the rude lady who talked to us.

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