chapter 23• confusion

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A/N: Not edited yet but will be tomorrow*** Also please look at the authors note at the end :)

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A/N: Not edited yet but will be tomorrow*** Also please look at the authors note at the end :)

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The sound of leaves crunching could be heard.

I thought back to the amazing yet pricey apartment. 

Every inch of that apartment is just perfect. I've always dreamed of having this apartment. 

Whenever I used to live with my 'parents' I always dreamed about leaving that tiny little room and having a safe place where I could live. Being free. 

I want a place where all of the girls can live. I'm extremely grateful that Nariyah and Celeste are financially stable and can pay for the apartment next door. 

We can't pay for that apartment at all. It's $2,500 per person every month.  Leana and I already talked about it over text saying it's way too expensive. 

Lee, Lyia, and I will need to renew our lease. Ugh.

If I have to see Moore I think I'm actually going to vomit. 

A sigh left Sal's lips snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I looked at him and nudge him gently.

He looked at me with a tired smile.

"You okay?" I whispered.

Sal shook his head. "I don't want to know what mess was created or by who. But I already know who did it," he said, running his hands in through his hair.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Lorenzo," said Damiano. He looked at me through the rear view mirror of the car.

A frown appeared in my face, remembering the Christmas before the Moretti's left.


We were all sitting in the dining room while talking about the recent tournament of Anaya's.

Anaya loves to play tennis. She had a tournament two days ago. It was in New Hampshire so we stayed at a hotel. Only Alessio, Luka, Salvatore and Nico and I were able to go.

Anaya was so excited because she won against the state champion of New Hampshire.

We all enjoyed and came back yesterday.

I sat next to Sal and Alessio.

We all continued talking when all of a sudden Mrs. Moretti walked in with a large bruise on her hand. She was wearing a black dress with see through sleeves. Her eyes were red but a smile was still on her face.

A smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Mr. Moretti was right next to her fixing his cuffs..

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