chapter 20• blood

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TW: mention of guns Vote, comment and enjoy!

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TW: mention of guns
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Mia closed the door and I looked at her.

Her black shirt clung to her body perfectly.


I'm so fucking thankful she knows the truth. I've always wanted to tell her since the first day I met her that I'm the heir, but I never could.

I was terrified I'd lose her.

You still did, said my conscience.

I did, but I'll do anything and everything to get her back.

Even if I have to wait for eternity.

She turned around, and her eyes widened a little bit.

"Miles?" she asked, confused.

I turned around and looked at whoever Miles is.

An unfamiliar man stood there next to Lyia.

He was wearing black jeans and a black and white plaid shirt.

He turned around and smiled.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Vasquez" he said, smirking.

I put a hand on my gun that was tucked away in the hem of my jacket.

Who the hell is he?

I was about to pull it out and shoot him, when Mia ran up to him and embraced him in a hug.

I scoffed internally.

Why can't she hug me like that?

"I missed you too, Miles" Mia said, laughing.

I narrowed my eyes. 

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Sal.

Me- Who the hell is Miles?

I removed my hand from my gun and crossed my arms.

"It's Milo" said the man.

Mia scoffed, "I know, I just love to annoy you" she said, chuckling.

Miles messed up her hair.

I should be doing that.

"Now, what are you doing here? You're like two weeks late" said Mia.

They pulled away. 


I removed my hand from my gun and crossed my arms.

Sal texted me back.

Salvatore- Oh shit he's back in town?

Me- Apparently so, now who the hell is he?

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