chapter 16• eternity

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Looking outside the moving car, the bright sun hues shined

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Looking outside the moving car, the bright sun hues shined.

The vacant branches on the trees.

The humming of my phone caught my attention. I picked my phone up.

"Capo, sei quasi qui?" asked Damiano. (Boss, are you almost here)

"Sì, Ana c'è?" I said. (Yes, is Ana there?)

"Sì," he said.

"Perché non puoi fare di nuovo l'intervista? Sapevate entrambi che avevo un incontro oggi" I said, pissed off. (Why can't you do the interview again? You both knew I had a meeting today)

"Verdai" he said, chuckling. (You will see why)

I rolled my eyes and hung up.

Closing the car door, I started walking towards the doors.

The gentle breeze of the wind felt nice.

The past few weeks were shit. All I want to do is get the club shit done with.

Walking inside, I looked around at the vacant club.

A few more days until it opens.

"Alessio," said a female voice. I turned around to see Ana standing there with a manila in her hand.

"Thank you so much for coming at a short notice. I called one of the applicants and they wanted to do the interview today" Ana said, walking up to me.

I was pissed off because of the nerve of one of my men to fuck up one of my shipments. I held a meeting to find out what the hell happened. Then I got a call from Ana saying I need to come here as soon as I could because of the interview.

I have to go to the warehouse and train all the new men. The past few weeks have been draining. I haven't gotten any sleep ever since Mia was right next to me. Sal told me that she hasn't been doing too good. I've been meaning to call her but shipments and club shit has kept me busy.

I nodded. "Here's all the information on the applicant. She's in your office" she said.

I've already had five applicants applying to be a bartender and were snarky with me during the interview. I made sure they never enter the club ever again. None of them were qualified, all they wanted was the bonus you get once you join.

Most of them were applying to be bartenders and they submitted a fake ID for their application.

I looked at the top of the manila folder and saw that the person was applying to be a bartender. I scoffed. Better not be a fake ID person again.

So far, I have two bartenders and they're close friends of mine. They want nothing to do with my mafia. However they're one of my trusted friends outside the mafia.

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