chapter 22• apartments

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TW: cuteness and a man who is down bad for his best friend

P.s: PLEASE read the authors note at the end.


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The sound of begging for mercy filled my ears.

The lit-up kitchen was visible from my room door.

The screams of agony filled my ear.

Are my parents fighting again?

Is mom safe?

The sound of whimpering came from behind me.


I closed my door silently and headed toward him. He was sleeping on my bed.

The sound of rainfall hitting the window filled the large room.

Tears started falling from Nico's eyes.

"No- dad- please," Nico said, fear in his voice. His eyes remained closed.

"Nico," I said, a little loudly. I sat on the bed not knowing if I should wake him up.

What if I scare him more?

"I'm sorry dad- don't hit me please!" Nico screamed, fisting the mattress cover.

Nico abruptly got up off the bed and sat up straight. His chest heaving frantically as he looked around.

"It's okay, Nico," I said, quietly. "He's not here," I said.

Nico turned around and looked at me. A sigh of relief left his lips. He caught his breath a few moments later.

"How did I end up here?" he asked, gesturing to my room.

"You came in here, because of the storm," I said, getting up off the bed. "You couldn't sleep just like when you were 10," I said, chuckling at the memory.

Nico's been scared of thunderstorms ever since the lights went out at his 10th birthday party.

He believed it was a punishment from god and that demons were coming for him because he didn't share his birthday cake with Anaya.

"Please don't tell anyone, especially Allie," he said. I chuckled remembering how Almana would always tease Nico because the first time there was a huge storm Nico was too scared that he'd go to mom and sit near her.

I shook my head, "You know, it's okay to be afraid of thunder," I said.

"Not for a 16-year-old," said Nico.

I shook my head, "Everyone is scared of something," I said, looking out at the storm.

"What are you afraid of?" he asked, grabbing the blanket.

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