Chapter 7 • darkness

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Tears. Thoughts of "home". Torment. Physical and mental abuse. Years of their abuse.

"Hun, are you okay?" said a sweet voice looking back at me from the passenger seat. I looked up and saw Mrs. Wylie and her black curls all over the place. Her soft sweet joyful smile shining through the darkness. I nodded. "I'm better now Mrs. Wylie," an innocent abused fourteen year old said quietly.

I had just turned fourteen yesterday. I was so excited because Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez said they have a present for me. They have never given me a present or wished me on my birthday.

Little did I know that Mr. Beyers was waiting for me in my room.

Mr. and Mrs. Wylie were taking me to New York for a fresh start. We were almost close to the new house.

"You're free now sweetheart" Mr. Wylie said looking through the rearview mirror.

Free. Free is such a lie.

You can be free but chained to the trauma and lies.

I nodded. I winced when I saw the blood coming out from my thighs and hands. "Mrs. Wylie I don't feel so good," I said, feeling dizzy from all the blood loss.

"Oh no sweetheart" she said nervously. All I could hear was mumbling and felt a harsh left turn. We arrived at the hospital with a huge red 'emergency' sign. Mr. Wylie quickly got his keys out and ran in with me in his arms.

All I saw was darkness.


I woke up screaming and trying to catch my breath. Sal came running into my room. "Mia. What happened? Are you okay? Take a deep breath" he said, coming to my side and looking around frantically. I breathed in and out multiple times.

You're alive Mia.

I calmed down and Sal pulled me onto his lap. I immediately hugged him and breathed in his smell. "What are you doing here Sal? You should be home resting after your game" I said softly.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. Tell me about your date" he said, changing the topic. It took me a few minutes before I could answer.

"It was great. I really enjoyed it. Look I really like him okay? I know you don't like him but you should give him a chance" I said, pulling away looking in his eyes.

"What do I get out of this?" he said, smirking. I rolled my eyes. "Well you'll get my chocolate cookies" I said.

"I'm on a diet," he said.

"Really? Cause this says otherwise'' I said, grabbing my phone from my nightstand and opening up the video of him stealing Lyia's ice cream from the freezer.

"That's my evil twin. He only has good looks and no good in him" Sal said looking at me.

"Mhmm. Let's see what Lyia has to say about your evil twin" I said. I was about to get up but he stopped me. "Don't you dare," he said, glaring at me.

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