chapter 11• raids

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Fresh smell of water

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Fresh smell of water

The smell of trees around us.

The clinking of our shoes hitting the concrete.

The breezy wind kissed my skin and I instantly shivered.

I smiled.

My hand in Sal's and us sneaking away into the darkness.

We headed towards the lake secretly.

"Sal if we get caught and I get murdered by anyone I'm haunting you" I said huffing.

"Relax M. Everyones too busy talking to each other. I highly doubt they'll notice us sneaking out" he said.

I took a sharp breath.

There was a lot of gravel on the ground making it hard for me to walk down the path.

Fucking heels.

Thankfully there were beautiful path lights making it clear to see where we were stepping.

"Be careful," he said, holding my hand tightly. I nodded and held on to his hand and we slowly went down the gravel area to the pond.

I looked back towards the house to see people conversing and paying no attention to us. I looked to the side window to see someone standing there with a glass in their hand. I tried seeing who it was but we were too far.

I looked at Sal to see him holding two wine glasses and held out one for me. I smiled and took it from him.

"How did you sneak two of them?" I asked. He opened the bottle and looked at me with a smirk. He took my glass and poured the vodka into the glass.

"What can I say? I'm a magician" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah right idiot. Oh shit didn't we go through the kitchen and take the back door? Not really magical of you now is it?" I said, laughing.

"Let me have my moment bitch" he said huffing. I laughed.

There was a bench near the lake and I instantly smiled.

The place where Alessio and I had our first kiss.

Surrounding the tree there were dozens of flowers of different kinds.

Daisies, tulips, and roses.

Every single memory came rushing back to me.

Every hug to every laugh to every kiss.

The fair. This lake where we made promises that we would never leave. The first kiss. The first picnic. Talking about our future. The distant laughs we had when he used to sneak into my room. Sneaking out to go to Wanera's to get food and talk. He would always make sure I ate.

He learned to make food from Mrs. Moretti, and would cook for me whenever he would learn a new dish.

I need him back. It was the only time I was genuinely happy.

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