chapter 26• burning

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TW: Mention/Memories of sexual assault & rape

The dust flowing through the living room.

The sound of furniture being moved out.

The sound of glasses being put into boxes.

The sound of the ringing of my phone as I try to call Lyia.

I was in the bathroom grabbing my contacts for my eyes. I was currently wearing my glasses and had a huge headache.

Moments later the phone is picked up. I went to my room and grabbed my clothes "Hey, you okay?" I asked, as I put my clothes into a luggage bag. Praying I can stuff everything in it.

"Yeah, sorry I was taking a shower," said Lyia.

"It's okay. Have you eaten yet?" I asked, as I closed the luggage bag.

"I'm about to. Did you?" asked Lyia.

I hummed. "Yeah, would you like everything to be shifted to the new apartment?" I lied, while changing the topic. I grabbed the luggage bag and dragged it to my car.

"Yes please," said Lyia.

"Alright love. Be honest, are you enjoying?" I asked.

"I am. I really am. But I feel bad because you have to do all the moving out stuff, all by yourself," said Lyia.

"Don't worry babe. I'm not alone," I said, just as I was about to continue Santiago came in front of me and opened my car door.

"Thank you," I said, with a small smile.

"You could have asked me, you know?" his deep entrancing voice said.

"You had to talk to the moving company, I didn't want to disturb you" I said, as I put the phone on speaker.

"Give me a second Lyia," I said, into the phone. She replied with a quick 'take your time' before I put the phone on the car while I put the luggage bag into the car.

A sigh of exhaustion left my lips. "You okay?" Santiago asked. I turned around to face him. He was right in front of me.

I nodded as I closed my eyes, regretting not eating anything yet since this morning. It was currently around 2:30pm and all I had to do was just grab the clothes from Lyia's room.

I felt my glasses at the bridge of my nose get scooted up so they didn't fall. I smiled knowing it was Santiago.

"Ma'am?" asked a new voice. I opened my eyes to see it was one of the people from the moving company.

I looked at his name tag to see it was 'David'.

"Yes?" I asked, out of breath.

"We are going to head out and go to the new apartment and start setting everything up," David said.

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