Chapter 1

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Tick Tick Tick....


16 minutes left.

Clock, Test, Clock, Test, Write an answer already!, Clock, Test


"Alright everyone, turn your papers in when you exit" Ms. Taylor said clearly.

How did 16 minutes go by in only 1? I flipped my test paper over to see if I even wrote anything. I scribbled a bit more before I left my seat and turned my paper in. I couldn't help but wince looking at the very wrong answers I had compared to Missy's paper.


Coming out of art class was Ivy, her shirt smeared with clay.

"How was the test"

Walking towards my locker and resting my forehead on the door.

"Absolutely terrible"

"Again?" Ivy said while putting her hand on my shoulder.


"Hey guys!" running in shouted Ben.

Still wallowing in my locker. Ben could tell my distraught from the get go.

Tsk Tsk. "Another failing grade" Ben said.

Ivy punched Ben in the shoulder signifying to stop. All I could do now was question whether or not Ms. Taylor would let me retake the test this time.

I looked over at my friends, "At this point I should just wear a black shirt with a giant red letter F"

Ben put his arm over my shoulder," Oh come on I know you can do better, me and Ivy will help"

Ivy rolled her eyes,"Ivy and I" she emphasized.

We walked all the way heading towards our next class, History, even though we have 15 minutes of a break, when Ivy started giggling. She's not one to giggle and especially at school. My eyes met where she was looking and I saw Alex Hale. Never met him personally but I do know that he is one of the top students from our grade. He's pretty attractive with dark shiny hair, dark eyes, and that's pretty much it.

Pretty sure he doesn't know my name but I always see his in multiple achievement awards and mentioned by others. Ivy thinks he's cute but has had only one conversation with him.

"I think he could like me" Ivy said while using her thumb and index finger from both hands to create a frame for the "perfect painting" of Alex.

Ben and I exchanged similar looks. Ben likes Ivy. He told me in confidence about it. But we both knew Ivy had a type, a type that fit Alex Hale to a tee.

"He's not the guy you're looking for, you don't even know each other" Ben included.

"He's smart and charming, that's all you need" Ivy responded.

Looking at him from a distance, he seemed average, didn't stick out from the crowd. His friends were the same expect for one. For a while Ivy suspected that I liked Alex but then she knew exactly who I was looking at.

Simon Mendez. Met in middle school and instantly liked him. His looks weren't anything spectacular but whenever I was around him or even saw him I couldn't help but smile and get excited. Any contact with him meant I was a winner. Then there was a chance I had, a time where he liked me too. Then in the beginning of high school, he met Dahlia, and they become a couple. And since then have been together.

I still haven't been able to get over it. Ivy and Ben told me it was a silly crush and that once high school started I would forget about it. I haven't, still even when I have a chance to say a couple of words to him, I still feel like a winner.

"You know, staring at him won't help" Ivy said.

"I know" I said while also seeing Dahlia coming up to Simon and putting her arm linked with his.

"I should make conversation with Alex" after Ivy spoke, she was heading towards him.

"Shouldn't we tell her that her shirt is still covered in clay?" I asked Ben.

"Nah" Ben answered.



After the school day ended..

Ivy and I went to go to our lockers before we headed out.

"So how was your chat with Alex" I said smiling.

"Ugh, I am so glad I saw that I hadn't changed my shirt or else I would've walked right up to him looking insane"

"Do you really like him that much?" I asked.

"Well I think, he would make a good boyfriend but I also like to keep my options open."

Once we got to our lockers, a door opened and came out Ms. Taylor.

"Oh Flora, do you have a second to come inside?" she asked holding the door out more.

I looked at Ivy and she knew to leave first. "Yeah sure" I walked inside already anticipating the test retake discussion.

Ms. Taylor walked to her desk and took a seat. I said across from her and looked at her various objects. A mug used as a pen holder that had a picture of Ms. Taylor's dog. Two artificial plants, several papers and organizers, as well has her laptop opened.

Avoiding eye contact with teachers has led me to observe their classrooms and work spaces. Which now noticing all the details, I can see that she added a new stapler to her desk.

"Flora, we need to discuss your grades" she folded her hands and laid them in front.

"Yeah" one word answers were also a must.

"I can see you struggle with many of the topics and get test anxiety, so what I want for you to do is tutoring"

Tutoring, meaning I wasn't smart enough to study myself. Meaning one of my fears was about to come true. I didn't plead and beg to avoid this. I knew I had to, to get my grades up, and for me to feel confident again.

"Okay, I'll do it" I said straightforward.

Ms. Taylor looked pleased. She's a good teacher but whatever she taught, my brain couldn't keep up. Once I understand one part of the lesson, the other would just be numbers and letter fumbled together.

"Alright in that case, we have other students in your grade assigned to give tutoring lessons during lunch"

I knew Simon was one of those kids. Simon tutored a kid in freshman year. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, during lunch, was the tutoring session.

To spend time with Simon during those times, would it be wrong? I know he and Dahlia have been dating since freshman year. I never did anything to interfere. But the thought of seeing Simon on a regular basis again, it could at least repair our friendship.

But to have Simon, a smart person, tutor me. I know he wouldn't make fun of me, however having him know I need a tutor when he thinks I'm smart. No, no. So having Simon as my tutor, yes or no?

"So do I get to pick who my tutor is?" I asked nervously while playing with my fingers.

"Actually I already assigned a student to you" Ms. Taylor responded.

"Oh, who is it?" another question I asked.

"Alex Hale"


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