Chapter 5

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Now it is time for my next math test. Having 5 tutoring lessons in total now, Alex has been focusing on the topics of this test as well has basic problem. It is also now October which means if I don't do as well on this test, it's okay.

I've avoided Simon finding out about the lessons. Although I'm not sure how else to be unseen when in the library, I'm running out of believable excuses.

As for Ben and Ivy, all last week they've been indifferent. The first two days, they were both fine, talking, enjoying each other's company then poof, they won't hang out with each other alone. I need to stage an intervention soon. I've tried to talk to them but they both refuse to tell me anything. So I'll just wait.

But now, at this moment I am about to enter the class. My fingertips touching the door handle. I'm the last one that needs to enter.

"You'll be fine"

I turn head to my right and see Alex.

He walks pass me placing his hand of my shoulder very quickly. I don't say anything in response but I do appreciate that one bit of encouragement from Alex despite everything else he's said. Such as...

"How are you this simple-minded?" "It's hard being patient with you" "Your facial expressions tell me I don't even need to correct your work" "You amaze me, with how much you don't get "

It's always with the same expressionless face and that darn eyebrow. What makes him think he can just say that to someone who is trying their hardest. Does he think I'm some sort of pushover? I'll show that no good.

No, no. Calm. I'm about to take a test, I cannot stress again. I finally enter the classroom and I'm immediately struck with regret.

My palms are sweaty, I'm in a cold room and have shivers in my arms but I also feel so warm.

Okay. First question, there's variables I'm familiar with, the square too of 64. There's a fraction too and a decimal somewhere else. There are some questions I am able to answer but with others I freeze.

Tick Tick Tick

Clock, I now have 35 minutes to finish. Then 15 minutes.

"You all have 10 minutes" Ms. Taylor informs.

Okay, I've solved about eight questions, three I'm not confident in and I still have five more to go and I have ten minutes.

Now it's crunch time, I wiggle my fingers and move the feet. The room is warm and I readjust my ponytail and use my clips to clip back my bangs. I'm really thirsty. I stretch my arms and answer the remaining questions .


"Everyone turn in your papers and don't forget your name at the top." Ms. Taylor eyeing on one student.

I get up and turn my paper in. That's it. I'm free!

Later in the day, since it is Monday, I have my tutoring lesson with Alex. He asks me about the test and to see if I can remember what mistakes were made so that we could see what I did wrong. I tell him everything even about my sweaty palms.

"Do you have test anxiety?" he asks.

I think for a moment. " I guess so, with other tests I get a bit nervous even if it's subjects I do know" I explain,

"Well to help, you should ask your teacher if you could sit by an open window. Have a water bottle handy, and do breathing exercises"

"Does that really help" I question.

"If you go into an environment that you associate with negative thoughts then your body and headspace will react."

"How do I change the math class into a positive environment?" huh for once, I truly understand Alex.

"That's for you to decide. You could hang with your friends if you have any"

If I have any. I roll my eyes at him.

"Do you like anyone?" Alex asks suddenly.

I sit up from my seat fast, "What"

Alex looks around the room and I see that people are staring and I sit back down.

"Are you always loud?" he asks.

I hit him with all my facial expressions that say, how rude.

He chuckles, and says, " So you do?"

"Do what?"

"Like someone"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask

"You could hang out with them, create a good memory"

A nice memory with Simon? In my math class?

Alex sees how hard I'm thinking, "Guess you don't like someone"

The rest of the lesson goes as usual, Alex gives me homework and more flashcards. My brain can no longer be filled with numbers as of today.


After school ended, I headed home. This time Ivy walked with me so I took this chance to see how everything was going with her and Ben.

"So what's going on with you and Ben?" I speak first.

"Ugh I don't even know. After he confessed I thought it would be easier to keep talking as normal and it was. Then we were supposed to go to the band room during lunch and he ditched me to go help this girl.

"What girl?"

"Lucy Montgomery"

"Oh I know her, she's in the same art club as me"

"Well she acts all innocent and always has some guy next to her. I heard she just broke up with her last boyfriend a month ago and now she's looking at Ben."

"Are you sure"

"uh yes. She went all like 'Ben I need you. I know you're so smart and capable to help me'"

"So he helped her?"

"yes, the nerve of that boy. If he liked me then why would he go with Lucy Montgomery. He knows she goes into relationship after relationship. I just don't understand."

"And what happened after?"

" I didn't talk to him at all the next day. He was all like, 'Are you mad at me?' Of course I am but them Lucy showed up again and took him by his arm and showed her puppy dog eyes."

"Sounds like you're jealous."

Ivy shot her deadly eyes at me.

"I thought you didn't have any feelings for him?" I ask.

"Guess not. I see how he his after he knows I won't answer to his confession so he gladly goes to the next girl"

"Ivy! Ben isn't like that. You need to have a serious talk with him."

Ivy sighs and presses the button for the crosswalk.

"I don't know if I can."

We walk the crosswalk and this where we both would split.

"Ivy, as soon as possible. If you like him then say it, if you don't then don't lead him on"

Ivy nodded and turned her way.

As I make my way to home, I think about what a day it has been. My test, more homework, and Ivy and Ben. When I get home I will be sure to take a nap and go to the garage to finish up a bag I've been sewing.

Home sweet home.

When I walk through the front door and my Mom and two other people with their backs turned.



I see the two people's faces now and its as if a thunderbolt has struck through me. This cannot be happening. This absolutely cannot happen.

I point to him and go, "You"

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