Chapter 19

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On Friday the test results were in. Ms. Taylor passed the papers out and I closed my eyes as she put down my paper. Waiting a moment before I opened my eyes I reassured myself. I had been getting below fifty percent on my previous tests, I wasn't going to lose hope so quickly.

I open my eyes and there it was.
I jumped out of my seat and held my test paper high. I looked at Ms. Taylor and she gave me a wide smile.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of my test. This was the highest score I've gotten this year and I couldn't believe it. I was very proud of myself and I was even more excited to show Alex.

After the bell rang I rang over to find Ivy and Ben. They're were just as excited as I was and Ben even got my sour gummy worms from the vending machine.

"How does it feel to get your highest score this year?" Ivy asked.

"The best" I answered grinning from ear to ear. And as I was talking to Ivy I spotted Alex with Johnny and Derek. I called out to him and made my way to him.

I revealed my score to him. "65% my personal best"

He smiled and said, "I knew you could do it"

"I'll accept an frozen yogurt from you as my reward." I grinned.

"Fine fine, you deserve that" he said.

"Oh and I also should mention that Coach asked me to tell you and the others that you're having a practice today"

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah and I won't be there, Coach Yang said I didn't need to be there since it's just a practice game"

"Oh, then I won't be able to walk home with you today, can you go with one of you're friends, your mom could kill me if I let you walk alone"

"I can go alone, I'm not helpless"

He gave me a face with his eyebrow raised.

"Don't you guys live on Olive St?" Derek spoke.

I looked at him and realized I never got to get a good look on Derek or Johnny. They were both pretty skinny and Derek wore glasses with thick lenses.

"Yeah" Alex answered.

"I live just a block over, Johnny, Rose, and me are heading to my place to work on that science project, you could walk with us" Derek looked to Alex then me.

Alex looked over at me, "Could you walk with them?"

"Yeah I don't mind" I said.

"Cool, guess Alex's gotta make sure his star student is safe, he's so protective" Derek joked.

"Ok we're leaving" Alex went.


After school I headed towards the main gate and decided to wait for the others to come by.

I saw Rose come out and she came over as soon as she saw me.

"Nice to see you again" She greeted.

"Same here" I replied.

Once Johnny and Derek came we went on our way. Rose started the conversation, "I really hope Mr. Thompson doesn't shave his beard he looks so good with it"

"Pfft not even, he looks older with it like it ages him ten years" Johnny commented.

I had some questions of what this conversation had come from. "Is Mr. Thompson your science teacher?" I asked.

"Yeah and today he let us vote on whether he should shave his beard or not, on Monday he's going to reveal his face to us" Derek answered.

"Oh, he sounds cool" I said.

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