Chapter 8

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He continues to look at me still holding the blueberry pie. I don't move and inch and neither does he.

"Here's your blueberry pie, fresh out of the oven" He says with no emotion.

"Alex! I didn't know you worked here. When did this happen" Ivy goes and laughs awkwardly.

"Since they opened, I work here on weekends and today is Friday" he responds. He puts down the plate.

"Ahh you didn't happen to hear what I just said right?" Ivy asks.

"About Flora liking Simon for three years?" He looks to me.

The room is spinning. Alex Hale knows. He knows about my three year crush and he's friends with Simon. No. This isn't happening. I get a sudden adrenaline rush and my body acts on it. I book it from the booth and escape to the exit. I make it to the end of the block and call my mom. She doesn't answer and I start freaking. The sun is already down and I'm in front of a mini mart.


I see Ivy and Ben running. They see me and come towards me. "Why did you run off?" Ivy asked panting.

"I don't know it just happened. What am I going to do, Alex knows" I fiddle with my fingers.

"I don't think he's going to tell anyone, why would he?" Ben assures.

"He's friends with Simon" I tell them. "Did you just leave the diner without paying, I hadn't thought of that. Do I have to go back?" I'm pacing, breathing is getting hard on my chest, palms are sweaty and heart is racing.

"Breathe Flora breathe, do you need water?" Ivy asks holding my shoulders.

I shake my head.

"We payed before we left don't worry" Ben includes.

"Let's walk home, let your mom know you're walking with us" Ivy takes my hand.

It's fine, its all fine, my head hurts. The next time I see Alex I'll juts have to ask if he could not tell anyone anything.

When I arrive home I see my mom in the living room reading a book. She asks how the diner was and I give a quick smile and the "good" response. I head straight for my room. Change into pjs, wash my face and brush my teeth. I binge watch a new show I'm watching. It's a kdrama and in one scene is where the main female leads confess her love for her best friend. I quickly exit out and go to sleep early even though it's a Friday.

Throughout the weekend I observe outside the living room window to see when Alex heads out since I now know he works at the diner. He does so much already and now he has a job. Once I see him out of the house is when I take the chance to take out the trash and pick some lemons from the lemon tree on the sidewalk.

On Sunday, my mom and I are in the car on our way back home from watching a movie. She informs me that she doesn't work tomorrow so she could drop me off the school. Normally I would reject her offer as to let her sleep in more but I want all the chances I can to avoid Alex. She also tells me that she'll pick me up and we can go get frozen yogurt. A perfect opportunity to not see Alex. Except I have to go to the lacrosse practice on Monday. I bargain with myself that I won't even have the chance to talk to Alex as he will practice .

This is fine. When we get back home my mom reminds me to tell Alex to not wait for me. I have to text him. I unlock my phone and go to my contacts to start a message. This is the first time I'm texting the Scary Tutor.

I write 'Hey, letting you know that my mom will drop me off and pick me up from school tomorrow so you don't have to wait up for me."

There simple, straightforward, a text message that only requires and 'okay'

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