Chapter 9

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The next day at school during our 15 minute break I walk with Ivy and Ben to our next class. We have chemistry together. Since the class is on the fourth floor we slowly walk up the stairs so that by the time the bell rings we're already there.

I inform Ben and Ivy about yesterday's events. The look on Ivy's face when she knew that I saw Alex without his shirt on. Asking so many questions and details.

Ben kept rolling his eyes and was not at all amused by this.

Ivy wrapped her arms around Ben's arm, "I'm only joking"

"Wait so are you two..?" I question pointing at them.

"We've been meeting each other more but nothing is official, it's best this way for now" Ben answered.

"That was fast" I walk a bit quicker up the stairs. I don't look up but instead look at my feet whenever I walk up or down the stairs. I bump into someone and look up to see Eric Chavez from the lacrosse team.

"Oh I'm sorry" I move to the side.

"You're good, you're Flora right?" Eric asks.


"Sorry that we startled you a bit yesterday"

"That's fine, I mean I was surprised."

"Well you're doing great so far as our equipment manager. Hopefully you're prepared for when we actually have away games."

"Yeah I've been wondering why you guys practice this first semester when games don't start until next semester"

"Coach Yang really wants us to practice all we can this semester, we have a lot of seniors so we practice now since they have more activities next semester and can't practice as much"


He smiles and fixes his hair, "I've got to head to my class early so I'll see you on Thursdays or earlier if I'm fortunate" he leaves down the stairs and I see Ivy and Ben coming up with Ivy's mouth wide open. "What was that?"

"What do you mean?" I ask continuing up the stairs.

"Why was Eric flirting with you?"

"You know Eric?"

"He's in my English class, I didn't know he had a thing for you"

"What are you talking about? This is the second time I've ever talked to him, he's on the lacrosse team. Why would he flirt with me? Who would ever flirt with me?"

Ivy puts her arm around my shoulder and Ben quickly follows. "You really need to open your eyes to new possibilities."

I quickly run up the stairs being able to release Ivy's grasp. Running up I hear Ivy's booming voice saying, "Don't run away from love" over and over again.


My last class of the day finishes and I go to my locker to pick up the books I need for homework. Ben meets up with me and I ask where Ivy is. Turns out Ivy's Dad picked her up from school. Ivy's parents are divorced and she says with each parent for two weeks. She's been staying with her mom more since she lives closer to the school and allows her to walk home. However Ivy hasn't been with her Dad in a while so when he can he picks her up.

I ask Ben if he wants to hang with me a bit in the library. On Tuesdays I have nothing to do after school so I decide to go to the library and get started on my homework. I beg with Ben to stay with me. He agrees and we're off the library.

"Are you going to the football game next Friday?" Ben asks as he holds the library door open.

"Of course, Ivy's cheerleading and you're playing"

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