Chapter 4

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School was over and Alex had given my homework to do. I had to solve all the problems by Monday. I had another math test coming up in two weeks and I have to be prepared enough.

I wasn't going to leave home so soon after school today. I joined an art club after school. Due to my tutoring lessons during lunch I had to leave the first club I joined with was book club. Ironically the book club didn't meet in the library but rather a 10th grade English teacher's classroom. We were just about to read a new book, and now I spend my most of my lunches drowned in number instead of sentences.

I still want to be in a club, so I joined art club which meets after school on Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm not much of an artist but I am always open to new skills and hobbies.

Ben walked home alone. Ivy and him live on the same street while I live a short walk from the school. Since I just joined art club, this was my first meet. I never really stayed after school so it was interesting to see how many others stayed for other activities. I knew Ben and Ivy both had stayed after often for their activities. Ben in band and Ivy in cheerleading. Ivy stayed to practice but Ben left early.

I enjoy being in a club, Ivy convinced me to join one and she suggested cheerleading, however I have no endurance or flexibility. I also have a bad leg which causes me to lose balance and stumble a lot.

After art club ended, I was finally able to go home. The time passes quickly and since I walk kind of slow, I put my earphones on.

As I'm walking I get the feeling of someone close. I pause and look behind me, there isn't anyone. I decide to stop my music and take off my headphones. I walk a bit faster now. I'm close to home, but I continue to look behind me and my other surroundings. Now on my street, I don't let my back undetected. Walking even a bit faster and a bit faster...


Guess I'm not that aware of my surroundings as just bumped into someone. I look up and see Alex Hale.

"Alex?" I stated. I then see his hand with a key about the unlock the gate where I live.

"Oh its you." he said.

What's with that response? "You live here?" I say pointing to the apartments.


"Since when?" I ask, very curiously and a bit worried.

"Why do you ask?"

I swear he can't give a straightforward answer at any time.

His eyes come to the same level as mine, he smiles, tilts his heads and says, "Are you stalking me?"

"No! I live here too." I responded quickly.

His eyes widen and he straightens his back.

"How come I've never seen you here?" I ask. 

"I've only lived here for about seven months."

Seven months? Still I should've noticed him at least once. There's only five buildings with two bedrooms and two bathrooms each. Two on the right side, two on the left, and one in the back which is where I live. My mom and I have the only one with a small garage. These residences make up the HoneySide Apartments.

"You were the new neighbor?"

"Yes." he says, he proceeds to unlock the gate and head in.

I quickly follow in. "W-Wait! How come I've never noticed you here before, I know the neighbors well."

Alex sighs and turns back at me, "I walk to school early every morning, and stay after school for about an hour everyday. I don't get home until about this time."

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