Chapter 12

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Since on Wednesday Alex and I didn't do our lesson I spent my lunch with Ivy and Ben in the band room. Many kids were there and I found myself being emersied with their music. They played so in sync. I enjoyed my time watching them practice and hear Ben play with happiness. Seeing someone do what they love and happy in their life made me wonder if I could ever have a talent like that.

I'm not gifted with such talent in the way my friends are. Ben has an amazing memory and can play so many instruments. Ivy is very flexible and she's so light on her feet. She also has natural leadership skills. Of course Simon is a genius, achieving so much at such a young age. Winning so many awards for his robotics and math skills.

Everyone has that one thing that comes natural to them. I have a lot of hobbies but I'm not exceptionally good at them. I'm not smart or have a talent. I want something to be passionate about and truly love doing it.

With the music playing it was easy to distract yourself from other noises. I didn't even hear Ivy speak to me the first time. She nudged my arm. " I heard that Eric is moving schools"

I looked at her, "Where did you hear that?" I questioned.

She spoke in my ear moving closer, "I was the talk in my English class today, one of his ex girlfriends talked about it" She moved back to see my expression.

I simply made a downward smile. "I wish he was punished more, but at least I don't have to see him anymore."

The bell rang and students were scrambling putting away their instruments. Ivy and I departed quickly as our nest classes were a bit far. We had to walk up all these stairs as we ran as soon as the floor turned flat.

Ivy's classroom is two doors down from mine, before we head it Ivy shouts, "Don't forget we're going to Manny's Pizza after school"

I give her a quick thumbs up and headed in just on time. In Spanish I sit in the back and today we were watching a video. These videos can usually last the whole class so I took this opportunity to quickly and discreetly text Alex. 'I'll be with my friends after school, don't wait up for me'

There. Simple and straight to the point. My phone vibrates and it's Alex, 'Okay'

I sigh and put my phone away then rest my head in my palms. I haven't been sleeping much these days. Would like to doze off now..


At Manny's Pizza, there's always a couple of kids from school and this is where many parents get their children pizza on Fridays.

Ivy comes with two paper plates in her hands. She sets down mine and hers and takes a seat. "Here we are, our favorite."

"I can't believe you can eat that" Ben exclaims.

"Whatever, we have great taste right Flora?" Ivy says taking a bite.


After we finish one slice, Ivy decides to get in line for more to bring home to her little brothers.

"You okay?" Ben asks. "You usually have two slices"

I smile. "Yeah I'm good. Just irritated by everything."

"Why?" Ben holds his hands together and this is where I know he'll give me his pep talks.

"I want to be good at something like you and Ivy are. I want to be smart like Simon. Or at the very least liked by someone"

"I like you, Ivy likes you"

"You know what I mean" I cross my arms and lean back. "I want someone to see me the way you and Ivy do. Doesn't that feel nice?"

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