Chapter 3

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"Hey Simon" Alex said.

"Are you studying with someone?" Simon asks as he points to the other open textbook.

"I'm tutoring" Alex responds.

"Oh yeah, I think I was supposed to have the next student but Mr. Sanchez said I should be studying on the next robotics competition and lacrosse."

Was Simon supposed to be tutoring me instead of Alex? As it seems the odds are not in my favor. Simon is involved in a lot of school activities, he is especially athletic when it comes to lacrosse, it always been about him to run and play.

Simon speaks again, "So who..."


"Oh, I have to get English, I'll see in you Physics then." Simon leaves.

When I see that he has fully left the library is when I get up from under the table. Then I see one Alex Hale looking at me with his arms crossed and from his face I could see that its as if he just the most disgusting thing in the world. He then raised his left eyebrow and asked, " Did you find your pencil?"

"Oh yeah, it was hard to find." I answer while fixing my hair.

"Well then," he gets up from his chair and packs his backpack. "Friday is our next lesson, try not to lose your pencil or your head." he leaves the library without saying or looking back.

I contemplate for a bit. Alex Hale may be the weakening point in my life now. I can't have him say anything about tutoring me. Not when Simon thinks I'm a smart girl. What if Simon finds out and thinks I'm not good enough. I can only hope Alex doesn't say anything but I don't trust anyone with my information. After a while I look around and see the library empty then I look at the look.

Gasp! I'm gonna be late for Spanish. I quickly pack my bag and run as fast as I can to get to class in time all while avoiding our notorious hall monitor, Felicity. A senior who shows no mercy. Oh please let this day go by quickly.


Now a Thursday, I made sure to look at all the notecards carefully that Alex had gave me. Especially since he said he would quiz me to see if I actually read them. In my headspace is all about math now.

Heading to school now, I do see Alex in front of me, has he always gone this way? I make sure to read my notecards again, I have a feeling he could quiz me at any time. Looking through the notecards once more I didn't even notice Ben.


I look and see Ben there. I'm confused, he looks concerned.

"You keep that up and you're sure to head straight for a train." he laughs.

"I was just looking through these, I need to remember them."

I go back flipping through the notecards. "Anyway where's Ivy, you always walk together"

"She didn't text you?" Ben asked.

I grab my phone from my pant pocket and see one text from Ivy. ~Don't feel well. I won't come to school today~

It's not like her to send such a direct message. I look back to Ben and tell him that Ivy texted she was sick. Ivy didn't look or feel sick yesterday.

"This may be my fault" Ben spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

" I confessed to her yesterday." Ben explained.

I pause, to take a moment to realize. "WHAT!" I shout. I get the attention from other students walking and look around. To my surprise I also see Alex looking at me. I quickly turn back to Ben and whisper, "You confessed? Really?"

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