Chapter 2

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"That's great, you know I never want you to stress over your grades, but I like how serious you are" my mom responded as she was driving us home.

Thinking about my tutoring lessons with Alex Hale, I don't know him, how can he teach me. I cannot keep thinking about this. I just need to go home.

As we were on the street where our apartment is, I see Alex walking. I turn my head to the front hoping we didn't see me. Normally I walk home since it's not far of a walk from school but Mom wanted to drop by the grocery store. She's making lentil soup today.

I turn my head slightly to see Alex, thankfully I'm far enough so he can't see me. Seeing anyone regardless I know them or not is always embarrassing. Now I have to make sure I avoid Alex on this street.


Today came Wednesday, aka tutoring day. Walking into school this morning was an unbearable feeling. I want to be smart. I want to be able to be praised for my intelligence. To be proud of myself for achieving so much. I know that having tutoring doesn't mean I'm dumb but to have been called smart in previous years by my classmates feels all wrong.

Lost in thought, I hadn't realized I bumped into someone.


Turning back and there he was. His eyes sparkled and his smile was contagious. I never notice that I smile instantly as soon as I see him.

"Simon! Hi" I say putting the hair out of my face.

'Is something wrong? You look upset" he asked.

"Uh no, just thinking, sorry I bumped into you" I still smile.

"Simon!" Dahlia joins in linking arms with Simon.

He looks at her with such care.

She then looks at me, "Oh hi Flora." she says as if she didn't see me from a distance.

"We have to get going before the first bell rings, come on" she pulls him away.

"Okay, well bye" Simon goes along and waves his hand.

With Dahlia turned back, I could see her hair was shiny and long. She wore a cream cardigan and high waisted dark jeans with black sneakers. She always wore her pearl necklace that Simon gifted her. But I couldn't take off my eyes her keychain that she had on her backpack. A small silver bouquet of flowers.



Simon and I were in media room at school working on the next broadcast for the morning announcements. When I found out he wanted to join this club, I wanted to join as well. We would constantly talk, about what tv shows we were watching, what we would do if we were in the Hunger Games, anything.

We both had a mutual friend who told me a couple days before that Simon had an interest in me. But for some reason I wasn't so sure it was true. Before Dahlia he was in a short relationship with another girl but he broke up with her. A couple days after is when our mutual friend told me about Simon.

One day, we walked home together, it was completely random but I enjoyed every second of it. We past by this little store that was full of little antiques and gifts. We went inside and I saw this little keychain of a bouquet of flowers. I liked the detail of all the petals of the flowers. It was my favorite thing in the store although I am a bit biased because of my name.

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