Chapter 27

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The weekend was slow and I wanted a chance to see Alex at the diner but I had made plans with Ben and Ivy to go to the amusement park. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with my friends but as I saw how Ben and Ivy would act towards each other I wanted it too.

"It's not like you're never going to see him again, you're literally neighbors and you see him at that practice" Ivy reassured.

"Well not for long" I whispered.

"If you're about your grades, don't be. You already proved to yourself that you can get a high score all by yourself. And I am so proud of you"

"Thank you Ivy"

"Of course, now let's go on The Monster" Ivy yelled in excitement.

Monday after school I made my way over to Coach Yang's office.

"We'll miss you" Coach Yang expressed. "I appreciate all the work you've done"

"Thank you Coach Yang, I enjoyed doing it. Well most of it".

We shared a laugh and I headed back making my final appearance as the equipment manager. And seeing the last practice.

Alex was waiting for me by the gates and we headed home.

"What made you quit?" Alex asked.

I sighed and spoke, "I guess I wanted an excuse of seeing more Simon and that benefit for my grades seemed worth it. Being a senior now I would like less memories of organizing the equipment."

He chuckles and puts his hands in his hoodie pocket. " I know some on the team miss having you, me included" He meant to not show his obvious soft smile but he didn't do a very good job.

I hadn't noticed we stopped walking and my gaze kept on him. And there we were smiling and staring at each other as if there was nothing else in the world.

A loud car passed us by that took me out of the moment and I suddenly noticed the quietness. I cleared my throat and thought of something to speak about.

"So how's Peaches?" I asked hoping that would bring us back normality.

"She's so cute, yesterday I caught my dad and her playing with her cat toy and she actually flipped over. It was crazy, I thought about calling you about but it seemed out of the blue" He explained.

"I don't mind you calling me, even if you think it's silly." I reveal nervously. "Um do you think I could see Peaches?"

"Sure she'd love to see you.''

When I joined inside Peaches came up running. She has a lot of bounce. We spent so much time playing with her. Although I did end up receiving a scratch from her which was fine since Melinda and Foxglove already gave me several.

Alex went and got some ointment and a bandaid. Since it was on my elbow Alex offered to help. My focus was only him as he was so gentle. My heart was pounding and he was so close to me. My eyes never left him and when he looked up and into my own eyes and then slightly down and back up to my eyes. I was flustered.

Our faces were so close, so close and I desperately wanted to close that space.

And then the front door swings wide open to Alex's parents coming back carrying grocery bags.

We practically flew from each other as soon as that door opened.

I greeted his parents and then quickly gathered my things and avoided eye contact with his parents so that they wouldn't see me blushing.

And made it inside. I handled that well.

With this new feeling I just had to call Ivy and tell her what just happened. My mom was inside her room working on some papers and since my room is across hers I decided to outside to call Ivy.

Once Ivy picked up the phone I practically jumped for joy when she said 'Hello'.

"You'll never believe it" I started.


"Well there was this, moment with Alex and now I don't know what to do"

"What do you mean by moment?"

"I don't know how to describe it but, I think I like him, like a lot"

Some noises caught my attention only to be met with seeing Alex like 15ft away from me.

And to my absolute shock he just stood there looking at me and carrying the recycling out to the blue bin.

I couldn't say a word even when Ivy kept calling my name.

He heard it didn't he.

Note from author:

Hello! We are nearing the end of this story and I'm thinking 30 chapters will be the whole story. This chapter was pretty short but hopefully the last ones will be much longer and more fun to read. I really want to finish this, and since I've been busy in the afternoons it's hard to complete full chapters in one or two days like I used to do.

Anyway please look forward to the last remaining chapters soon!

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