Chapter 23

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Summer Break ended and senior year started.  

After that encounter with Alex I hadn't seen him any other time but that was unavoidable as this morning we went back to school. 

I got up earlier as I couldn't sleep. The conversation with Alex kept replaying in my head. 

" I really do like you" 

I stopped myself from continuing as I heard my mom leave. I got up and got ready. I waited outside the gate for Alex and I let my thoughts be about the all the leaves in the trees. Fall would be here soon and all the leaves would turn brown. 

I let the cool air hit my face and I was very into it because I hadn't noticed Alex there. 

Spooked I took a few steps back. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

I adjusted my hair back and responded. "Yeah I'm good" 

"Good" Alex walked first. "Ready for senior year?" 

I followed. "More or less" 

As the conversation kept going I realized how normal it was. I thought it would be awkward to be around him. I certainly thought about it. How does he not think this is awkward? 

I wonder so much about what goes on in his head. 

Before I knew it, we arrived at the school and we parted ways. I don't how I could have another interaction with Alex without acting like he hadn't confessed. I made sure to calm myself before our next encounter in the library. I felt like a hamster on a wheel who never got off thinking about all of this. 


I turned back and saw Ben and Ivy. 

"He confessed" Ivy shouted. 

"Shhh, we're in public" I stated. 

"Wow bold move, I love it, I love it, I love it." She gleamed. "So what did you say?"

"Ivy" Ben nudged Ivy. 

"What I need to know" She said. 

"I didn't say anything" I remarked. " He just said that he didn't want an answer but to just let me know" 

Ivy groaned. "Seriously, Alex Hale confessed to you and you don't say a word?" 

"What was I supposed to say? I mean I don't really know I how I feel" 

"OH Flora" Ivy grabbed my shoulders. "Do you feel anything for him?" 

" I don't know, we've known each other for months now but we're good friends. To see him romantically is... well I don't know. When I liked Simon I knew how I felt and.."

"I'm going to stop you there, your feelings for Simon and having feelings for someone else are two different experiences. One makes you feel this way and one makes you feel another way. They're two different people. Now have you never had any heart fluttering moments with Alex?"

I think and my mind goes straight to the day in the mall in mini golf. The lights were dim and him sitting with me. His eyes glowed. Then when we had the kittens, his smile carrying them wouldn't go away and neither would my stare. 


The bell rang and I sighed in relief. 

"I'll be texting you when you get home missy." Ivy stated. 

"Ok Ms. Detective, let's go or we'll be late for homeroom" Ben said, grabbing her hand and moving along. "Bye Flora" 

Class after class I kept on thinking about my time with Alex, he is a nice person but how I feel is important. I don't want to have feelings based on what Ivy thinks but on how I truly feel. 

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