Chapter 17

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On Friday it felt a lot slower than other days. I was also very tired, I had studied late last night. With the upcoming test I had to get in all the extra hours I could. I had been going on and on with the problems and it wasn't until I heard my phone ding that I was aware of the time.

It was from Alex.

"I hope you're sleeping."

I texted back. "I am"

Finally I turned in for the night but woke up super early.

Now in my class of the day, Econ, I saved up all my energy to continue studying when I got the chance.

Friday is art club and I was eagerly awaiting for the bell to ring to have some time to enjoy for myself. And once that bell rang I sprang out of the room.

Meeting up with Ivy at her locker, she had her cheer uniform on.

"How come you're wearing your uniform?" I asked.

She was fixing her hair up into a ponytail. "They want us to practice our new routine with it on, ugh but this new material they're using is so itchy"

"I can only imagine" I say as I hold up her mirror for her. "When do you want to go the mall? This weekend? We haven't been in a while"

"Oh whenever you can, I'm free this weekend. But I don't think Ben is"

"I was just thinking it could be just the two of us." I said.

She finishes fixing her hair. "Sure, I do realize that it's been a while since it just been us girls."

"Great it's a date" I said.

After that conversation ended I headed up to art club. When I entered the class I was greeted with large easels accompanied with equally large canvases. I noticed a bit of a crowd with the class as well.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Rose.


"Rose" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about the art club, I'm personally more of a sculptor but I wanted to learn if I could do well with a brush"

"Well you've come to the right place" I express.

"I also brought a guest" She reveals.

Out comes a face I've seen before but took a moment to recognize.

"You're from the lacrosse team? Right? Uh Thomas?" I asked.

"Yeah, Flora right?"

I nod.

He's a tall guy with broad shoulders and light hair. He had a dimples that go deep. He dresses well, I wouldn't have recognized him right away. I always see him in his gear.

Rose looks at me, "We have several classes together and when saw the club poster I convinced him join. He's a guy of many talents" She winks.

He chuckles. "I can do a bit, I've only worked with just a pencil and paper, not much outside of that"

"That's cool, art has many forms and we've dabbled into a lot already." I convey.

He asks, "And what's your thing?"

"I guess anything that uses a paintbrush" I answer.

The class begins and Rose, Thomas, and I sit together. We all learn about panting with our acrylics with some added texture.

After an hour passes, everybody is covered with paint with some even up ending in Rose's hair. She takes has her new hairstyle.

Not everyone has finished but our Teacher Ms. Welsh, tells us to take our work home and finish it up and bring it back next week to show off to everyone. Everyone looks silly carrying their canvases. I practically finished mine, it's simple.

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