Chapter 7

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I was determined to make today count. I also made sure my alarm was set differently so that I could wake up on time. Although that may be a new problem as I sleep around 2 am.

Heard a knock on my door and Alex appears. I take a look at the clock behind me in the kitchen and it's 7:15. A whole hour before school begins.

"You're here ten minutes early" I state.

"This is time I usually leave, I just let you sleep in this week, but we will leave at this time now"

I roll my eyes and get my shoes from the closet near the door.

When we start walking I ask, "How come you leave early and stay late everyday. I know you have lacrosse on Mondays and Thursdays after school but what about the rest of the week?"

"You ask a lot of questions"

"Isn't that what our conversations usually made up about?" I give him a side look. "I might as well get to know you better since you're now my neighbor, tutor, team member, and walking buddy. I can't treat you as some acquaintance."

"I just don't find it easy to say so much about myself to someone I've only known for about a month"

"Why not?"

He looks down focusing on his steps. I cross my arms and keep my focus in front of me. It's silent for a while.

"I'm in robotics, which is after school on Tuesdays. Then Mock Trial which meets at Lunch but we have cases every other Friday. On Wednesdays I stay after school to finish or retake any work" he says suddenly.

"Wow, you do so much! I hardly do anything after school, now I have lacrosse and art club"

"I like to keep busy."

I smile, "You already have your hands full with me"

He chuckles, "Yeah I do"

I spot Ivy and I dismiss myself to Alex and rush to Ivy.

"Ivy" I shout. I target her and project myself into her arms.

"Can you get any louder" she asks adjusting my backpack.

"Probably" I respond.

As soon as we enter the school, I question what plans she has today and she plans to go the mall with her sister. I tell it is very important to come with me.

"So I just ditch my sister?" Ivy puts her books in her locker and stand against it with her arms crossed.

"Can you?" I hold my hands together pleading.

"Ugh fine, only because we've haven't hung out in a while"

"Yes, and I will send your sister some flowers as compensation"

"She'll like that"


During Lunch I make my way to the library. Not even a couple minutes pass by as my next yawn comes.

I head straight for the tea station and thankfully the water is hot. I pour two cups and hand Alex his.

We get started on where we left last. Today I cannot retain the information in my head but I manage to understand a part of it. Alex sends to me to work on practice problems and stops me every time I question myself and make a wrong move. He corrects its and I move on.

I finish all of them and Alex corrects it. Normally I would wait a moment before my results, however I peek at the clock and see that there is five minutes left of lunch. My head heads straight for the table.

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