Chapter 29 Pt 2

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3rd person pov

The next morning, all the students gather up to take an early hike through the woods. Flora walked with her friends while still thinking about the night before with Alex. 

She could see him up ahead talking with Johnny. Ivy notices her somber expression and asked Flora for details. 

"Oh Flora, you were so close" She stressed. 

"I know, the timing is always bad and to be honest I don't know how I can try again. It's so difficult" Flora agreed. 

"You're going to have to try again, somehow"

The rest of the hike was not as enjoyable as Flora had wanted. Pondering over how she could make another attempt towards Alex. She didn't want it to be as simple as saying that she liked Alex but to show her raw feelings for him through her actions. 

She wondered so much that she hadn't noticed when the whole group arrived back to their campsite. 

When everyone stopped, taken a drink of water, the staff shared announcements. Which included splitting up the class into different groups. The groups were already pre determined as well as what each group was going to do. 

Five groups in total with about 27 kids in total. Flora was in a group with Ben. Ivy was in a group with Simon and Alex. Rose in another with Dahlia as well as Johnny and Derek. 

Flora and Ben's group were to make arts and crafts. Ivy, Simon, and Alex learning to fish. And Rose, Dahlia, Johnny, and Derek's group to using the small boats to paddle in the lake.

Once Ivy had learned she was in a group with Alex, she came up with her own plan. She of course wasn't close with Alex but that didn't bother her at all to try and get him talk. 

However Simon and Alex were talking and Ivy needed to talk to Alex alone. She ended up finding a solutions when the staff said there was going to be a competition and a prize for the pair that reels in the most fish. She took the opportunity to get to Alex. 

"Sorry Simon, I want that prize, whatever it may be and I saw that Alex is pretty hand with the fish catcher thing" Ivy stated her case. 

"It's a fishing pole Ivy" Alex corrected. He looked over at Simon giving him an 'Oh well, I can't stop her' look. 

When everyone had paired up, the staff had set up a timer and all poles were in the water. 

"This is boring" Ivy sighed. "How about we talk about you?"

"Me?" Alex questioned. 

"Yeah I don't know much about you, but we both know Flora very well" 

"Yeah" Still using a questioning tone with her. 

"I know you like Flora" She abruptly said 

Alex started coughing and almost dropped his fishing pole into the lake then when he save it, slowly looked to Ivy with wide eyes. 

"It's obvious" Ivy said. "And I was on the phone that day you heard her say it. And it kills me that you are in this stage" 

Alex felt that talking with Ivy may help even though he didn't take conversations well with people he didn't know much about. "I did hear her say but I feel like she's holding back."

"From what you think?" Ivy asked trying to hear what his thoughts were. 

Alex looked over at Simon and Ivy caught it. "She's over him, Alex. Trust me, I know the whole story."

"It just.." Alex started trying hard to say his feelings. "Simon is also interested in Flora now. I heard their conversation at school and yesterday Simon was telling how me how pretty Flora is" He scratched his head. "I mean I know that already but hearing Simon say it and him explaining how at one point he did like her. I am nothing."

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