Chapter 16

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That evening after school finished I made my way to the field and upon seeing Simon with the others, I didn't greet him separately but instead told all of to line up just as Coach Yang requested me to do.

He tells the group of the upcoming games, meaning more practices will be more practice games. Coach Yang has his serious face on as do I. He dismisses them to stretch and start on a game after he assigns them their positions. He talks to me about the more responsibilities I'll have, the games I'll attend when they play at other schools. I will have to make sure everything is organized, all the equipment is accounted for. I assure him I'm capable.

He's very delighted to hear that. I admire Coach Yang, he's serious but he's also a warm person. I saw in his office a picture of his two daughters, they look so much like him.

While the team and Coach Yang is doing their practice game I'm back in Coach Yang's office sorting out the papers needed for the players. I also check their grades to see if anyone has a D or F in any class. I see Alex's grades and it's all A's. No shock their but once I look at Simon's he has a B in English. He's never been the greatest at English but he has always had an A. I wonder if he's worried about his grade going down.

Wait. What am I doing? No more thinking about Simon. I continue on looking through the grades.

After practice finishes, it is now 5:30, the sky is a soft orange turning into pink. I wait outside the locker room to wait for Alex. While I wait I receive a text from my mom telling me that she'll be working late. She pre-made her lasagna. Her lasagna is more scary than you can imagine. I text her back that I'll just have frozen chicken nuggets.

I look up back up from my phone once I see some of the boys leave, they all say bye to me. Then Simon comes out, he says bye and I quickly say bye and go back to my phone.

"You ready to go?" I hear Alex's voice.

"Yup" I respond. "I am looking forward to my chicken nuggets at home, I can't wait to eat". We begin walking out.

"Sounds nice" He says.

"Not really. My mom made her infamous lasagna and every time she makes it, it's like a bad experiment gone wrong. She's not a bad cook but her lasagna is terrifying" I inform him.

"Hey, I bet it tastes better than it looks" He says. "Well why don't you eat with my family?"

My head quickly turns to him. "Really?" I question. "That's a strange invitation"

"How is it strange?" He asks.

"I know we're friends now, but I don't know it just seems out of the blue" I answer. "Not that I don't want to go but it's just strange that you've only known me for like four months yet all within that time, you've been really open"

"As oppose to..?"

"Everyone else"

He stays quiet for a bit. "You're just less intimidating to talk to I guess" He says slowly. "And easy to make fun of"

I make a face. "Ha ha"

We go quiet for a while until I say, "So what's for dinner?"


Being introduced to Alex's family is the experience I never knew I wanted to experience.

Sitting at the dinner table I didn't feel awkward but it was quiet for a bit.

"So Flora.." Alex's Mom starts. " It's nice that you could join us, and you can come whenever you'd like." She has short brunette hair and chunky bangs. She looks younger than she is. She's also tall.

I thank her.

"Alex why have you never invited her before, we're neighbors and I've been getting to know her mom a lot more." She turns her head to me. "She's remarkable your mom"

I smile.

"Alex has been tutoring you right?" Alex's Dad asks. He wears thick black rimmed glasses and has light brown hair. He's well fit and keeps his composure well. I see where Alex gets his looks from.

"Yes for a while now" I answer.

"I sure hope you don't get annoyed with him, he's always been hesitant to make friends and has always been standoffish when it comes to new people" Alex's Dad states.

I chuckle softy. "No kidding"

"Yeah he can be like that but he's a good person, I'm very proud of him" Alex's Mom says. "Although he's hard to read sometimes"

"I can't tell if you want to insult me or praise me" Alex comments.

"Both" I state.

We all laugh and I'm surprised to have enjoyed myself this much at a dinner with Alex and his parents, to whom I've only known for a bit.

After the dinner, the table was cleaned up. I offered to help but Alex's parents wouldn't let me. Alex put everything away and took out the trash. His parents were washing the dishes together and that's when I could see how much love there is. They smiled almost the entire time doing the dishes.

I was staring up until I heard my phone ding. It was my Mom.

"Staying extra late tonight. Sleep soon. Hope dinner with the neighbors went well :)"

I read the text and announced that I would be heading home now.

"Oh wait I need to give a workbook I forgot to give you last time. I'll meet you outside" Alex said.

I went outside his door and waited near mine. I waited for a minute and out come Alex. He handed me a math workbook. "This some practice problems you can work on. You can do five a day"

I skim through the workbook and I give out the biggest sigh.

"You'll be fine, you've been processing really well. Don't forget 60% or else" He informs.

"I know I know. I'll try"


"Thanks for inviting me over, I had a great time."

"Me too, my parents are really talkative and whoever I invite they get along with"

"I'm not the first you've invited?" I ask.

"Well only Johnny and Derek." He answers.

"They don't think we're dating right?" I question.

His eyes become a bit wide. "No, just tutoring. But they might, they like to tease me." He smiles. "Rest assured I will clarify that we are newly friends"

I smile. "Don't worry about it, anyway thanks for the book. I'll see you in the morning. Night"

"Goodnight" He says.

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