Chapter 11

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"What?" He looked at me strangely. "No, we're not dating, we're classmates"

"Really?" I scratched the back of my head.

"You thought we were dating?"

"She was sitting next to you and you guys were pretty close, and what you said at lacrosse practice and what I saw in the stairway.."


I've spoke too much. "So you're not dating? Like anyone?"

He stares at me with his mouth forming a thin line. "No"

"Okay, well glad that's cleared up" I start walking home much faster.

"Hey, don't go so fast"


Now November and after the weekend, I'm back to the same routine. I would say that Alex and I have been more talkative during our meetings. Although I'm not sure we're friends. He is my tutor and teammate.

In Chemistry, meeting up with Ben and Ivy, I see how the two have only grown closer. It's only been a weekend yet they seem like a three year old couple. Affectionate but not all over each other.

I tell them about the game, and Ivy shouts, "That bastard"

I calm her down. "Speaking of which, I hope I don't see him today"

"I didn't see him English" Ivy stated.

"If I do see him I'll pound him" Ben declared.

"Do you plan on reporting him to the school?" Ivy asked.

I sighed, "It's not like the school's going to do anything, remember last year when a senior did a similar thing to a freshman and when they reported it, the administration let it pass by as the senior was a straight A student going to an Ivy league school and was graduating in a week."

"Ugh, that perv is gonna get away with it isn't he?" Ivy said with disgust.

"That's what happens in this world" I turn to the front of the class and resume my work. I finish all my work relatively quickly but today took a bit longer after thinking back to the events of the game.

At lunch is another tutoring session. I get Alex and I tea, we start off reviewing but I am in no mood to do any work. I am especially tired after binge watching episodes of my favorite crime show.

"What is this?" Alex asked holding up my test paper that he corrected. "Have you been studying?"

I wince and try to hide my face, "No" I say hesitantly.

"I can tell, this problem is one that you could've solved, you've solved it correctly before and now it's a mess" He says giving me his look.

"It's hard to study" I respond.

"You have to start doing these things yourself, I'm not always going to be your tutor, I don't even have much hope for you"

I scoff, " It's always a problem with you, I'm trying, really" I cross my arms.

I look away and I spot a poster next to the door. Math Bowl.

Intrigued I get from my seat and head over to the poster. The poster reads, 'Math Bowl! Fellow students interested in participating will test against other students to be in the team that competes with other school to win the Math Bowl.Students who win will join our top student Simon Gomez!'

This is it, my chance to prove to everyone that I truly can be smart. I snap a picture of poster and go back to the table.

As I sit back down, Alex looks at me with his arms crossed.

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