Chapter 29 Pt 1.

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Every year our school organizes a weekend trip for the seniors. A camping trip where we set up our tents and stay the night. 

Theres a bonfire and hiking and much outdoor activities. A lot seniors make it as the idea of teenagers spending the night somewhere is an opportunity for moments with their friends and romantic interests. 

Thursday evening, everyone had to arrive at the school and wait for the bus. The whole ride there would take us about four hours to get there and when we did get there we would settle in and make our first bonfire night. 

When I arrived at the school, I saw three buses but not the school buses, the kind of bus that had  space at the bottom that was meant to carry luggage. Since there was many of us, three buses had to take us to the site. 

Everyone gathered and was assigned which bus they would take. I was surprised to Alex and the others join our bus. I sat Ben and Ivy even though sitting with Alex was what I wanted. I kept thinking how confused the situation must be. He heard me say I liked him then the next day the boy he knew I loved so much had confessed he wanted to be more than friends. 

I had to tell him my feelings and prove it to him. I like him so much, so much that I cannot let him   go without him knowing. 

It was easy to pawn over this and not so easy to fall asleep on the bus like Ben and Ivy. I just put in my earphones and looked out the window. Looking around the bus I caught eyes with Rose who was sitting with Dahlia. She was asleep. 

Rose signaled to me to sit with her at the very end of the bus. There was no one sitting there so we both quietly made our way towards there. 

We talked very quietly as many people on the bus fell asleep. 

"I heard Simon asked you out" Rose whispered. 

"Yeah, I was surprised" I said saying very softly Rose had to inch her ear closer. "Does Dahlia know?" 

"I'm not sure, she didn't mention it to me so I didn't" 

"I noticed they didn't look at each other when entering the bus. Are they avoiding each other?" 

"I know Simon is, I know how heartbroken he was, Dahlia went along with it and doesn't even try to be in the same group as him for projects" 

I looked at both Dahlia and Simon, feeling sad how they went from lovers to strangers in a short amount of time. 

Rose and I talked for a bit more before deciding to move back to our seats as we were nearing to our destination. 

The bus came to a stop and the lights were turned on. Open eyes and yawning were accompanied. I checked the time and it was almost ten a clock and I hadn't felt tired. 

Everyone got out of the bus and found their luggage. The staff had helped everyone in setting the tents. There were allowed three people in one tent, of course girls with girls and boys with boys. So Ivy and I went in one tent with a girl we both knew from our classes. 

When everyone had set up their tents, we all gathered around the bonfire the staff had started. Marshmallows were passed out and it was your typical campfire night. I admired the big fire and the warmth it provided for my freezing hands. I also was looking around the bonfire as we were a big group. 

I noticed Rose and Dahlia on complete opposite sides from Simon and Alex. Though when I had seen Simon and Alex I had noticed a girl talking with Alex and her laughing. A part of me felt jealous. I tried not to look at them but Simon had noticed and met my eyes. I quickly looked away and through peripheral vision I could see him smirk. 

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