Chapter 24

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The sounds of the rain became dominate as all my thoughts slipped away.

Here I was with Simon, in the rain. 

"What happened?" My grip on the handle of the umbrella tightened as I spoke.

"She just ended it right there" He said softly. "Just that easy"

My gaze softened. "Are you alright?" 

He stood up quickly. "I just don't understand it" 

"What did she day?" I wasn't sure if that was the right question to ask. 

"We had hung out yesterday and everything was fine until she told me that she wanted to break up."

"Why?" My voice cracked a bit. 

He sighed. "She thinks we've been distant, 'it's not the same feeling anymore', that we act more like people who just met rather than a couple. I mean it's true that we haven't been hanging as much but I didn't know it was becoming like that" 

He turned away and I made sure the umbrella moved too. "I'm sorry to hear about that" 

He faced me. "Did I do something wrong? How could she not love me the same anymore" His eyes full of loss.

These words pierced me as I understood what that feeling felt like. I was looking straight into a mirror. 

"I texted her this morning saying I would meet up with her at The Plaza and I was on my way over there when I she texted me back this" He held up his phone with the messages from Dahlia. 'Please don't contact me, I've already decided. I'm sorry'

"I saw that she deleted all of our pictures on Instagram. And I'm pretty sure she deleted my number." He went on. 

All I could do was apologize, seeing his expression knowing how much he felt for Dahlia was upsetting. There was a silence for a while until I spoke against the shattering rain. "I know it hurts Simon, and all I can do is help comfort you but I promise that you won't feel this way forever."

As his eyes slowly met mine I couldn't believe that I was having a dream. For as long as I've known Simon, I've never seen him at a weak point. He's always been at his peak, with school, friends and more. He's the golden student. But as I saw a tear from his eye, I really didn't know Simon. 

I brushed away his tear softy. "I'm sorry" 

After another silent moment Simon spoke. "Thank you Flora for being here with me, I'm sorry you had to see all that" 

I smiled, "I don't mind, you needed it" 

"I should be heading home now, what about you?" He asked. 

I gasp. "What time is it?" 


I turned back to see the other side of the street and saw the oncoming bus heading to the bus station. 

"Oh I have to go. Here take my umbrella" I said quickly handing it over to him and carefully sprinting to the other side to enter the bus. 

"Flora" Simon called out. 

I got into the bus and sat on the side to see Simon. I waved and the bus began to drive. I sighed in relief as I was finally heading towards to The Plaza.

The Plaza has an outdoor and indoor shops and according to the message Alex sent me before my phone shut off we were all supposed to meet in the outdoor area. 

However with still rain pouring and the time now being 2:47, of course no one is to be found. I went to the entrance of the The Plaza to get inside however the doors wouldn't open. Then a sign I didn't read at first said, 'Use Other Entrance'

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