Chapter 10

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Friday, day of the football game. The game started at 6:00pm, I walked home with Alex after we finished with our clubs. On our way home, I convinced him more to go to the football game. I understand that he doesn't always want to be in social events but he could be with his friends and watch the game.

With more convincing he said he would go if I study more. I agreed and we would walk back to the school to join the game.

At home, I ate dinner and changed my clothes, after seven hours of school, a change of clothes is essential. My hair was in a ponytail so I let my hair down. It was annoying to brush as I had many flyaways on the top of my head. I styled my bangs and put a clip in. I wore my nice jeans and a black top with long puff sleeves that hit my elbows.

I wear black tennis shoes and grab a smaller bag to carry my things.

I got a text from Alex asking if I'm ready. I respond back and go outside my door to wait. Once I go outside I feel it's a bit cold. A slight breeze. I wonder if I should go back inside to grab a jacket.

Before I even decide to turn around I hear a door open and see Alex. He's wearing a dark blue sweatshirt with light brown pants. A simple outfit but he wears it with such style. I'm impressed. I walk up to him and we both start walking to the school.

"You look nice" I start off.

He looks at me strangely as if this is the first time he's been given a compliment. "Thanks. You do too"

"Thank you"

Small and awkward talk out of the way. When we approach the school closer I hear the band already. There's many students all around. Alex and I are at the crosswalk to get to the football field when I notice a couple on the other side. They hold each others hand and they're very affectionate towards each other. One kisses the other on the forehead and then on the lips.

I make a small noise as I gush over them.

"You're staring, it's weird" Alex says quietly.

I compose myself and clear my throat. "Noted"

We make our way inside and walk a bit ahead to find Ivy and Ben. Ivy is in sitting with the other cheerleaders while Ben is on the field with the rest of the band lined up.

"Alex! You're here" Johnny, Alex's friends shouts.

Johnny zooms pasts everyone and almost bumps into me trying to get to Alex. I turn back to see them. Johnny pats Alex on the back. He tells Alex that everyone is at the bleachers. As they walk past me, Alex turns his head to look at me. I give a thumbs up and see them heading to the bleachers.

I walk towards the multiple stands there are, drinks, food, and more food. I decide to get a lemonade. As I make my way to the bleacher I hear my phone ding. I receive a message from Sammy.

'Can't make it, feeling too sick'

Oh great, now I'll hang with myself for the rest of the night. I respond back, 'That's fine, hope you feel better'

I sip on my lemonade and find somewhere to sit on the bleachers. I see a corner top spot and I make it there quickly. The game is about to start. I check my phone and open the weather app. One because I would like to see the weather and two to pretend like I'm actually doing something.

I mean I could hang out with someone else, but many are classmates and not close friends. I can be nice with everyone and get along but I feel most comfortable with Ben and Ivy as we've been friends for so long. There's always established friend groups. I don't want to feel like an outsider. Is that how Alex feels? Was it a good idea to push him into something he didn't want to in the first place?

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