Chapter 6

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There he was, what was he doing here? Did something happen? Did I do something?

"This is my daughter, Flora" My mom said making a hand gesture to come over.

I stood right by my mom and whispered, "Why is Alex Hale here?" I give a smile to Alex's Mom who is much taller than from when I saw from a distance.

"Hello Flora I'm Mrs. Hale, I live up in the front" Mrs. Hale offered a handshake and as I shook her hand she had soft hands. Her nails were freshly manicured. She wore a fitted black suit and matching flats. I could tell her hair was just styled and the smell of hair products were still lingering.

I look to Alex and he just looks at me as if I know why I'm meeting his mom.

"Flora, I invited them over to discuss something with you" My mom started.

"Flora told me that she is being tutored by Alex and when I saw that he lived here I thought it was the perfect opportunity to arrange something" Mom continued.

"Yes, I'm very glad my son now has a connection with your daughter, as a mother I totally agree with you." Mrs. Hale went.

"Agree with what?" I ask, still very confused.

My Mom turned to me, " I was driving home and I stopped at the red light. I then saw a girl with an older man behind her, observing her. Then the older man took her by her arm. The girl was very afraid. The man started to grab her by the other arm. I looked around to see if anyone was going to help. Then I took off my seatbelt so than when I could I could help her. Then that's when I saw Alex. He ran over to them and was very firm to let the girl go. He made sure the girl was safe and made her leave so that he could deal with the man. I saw Alex pull out his phone. The man ran as soon as he saw Alex dial the police. Alex tried to run after him but I wasn't able to see because then the light changed. After I went to the gas station and went home and that's when I saw Alex go in his house. I never knew he lived here. I knocked on the door, met with him and Mrs. Hale. I invited them here to discuss the situation."

I turned to Alex and he looking around the room.

"And what were you planning to do with this information?" I ask her.

"I want you to walk to and from school with Alex everyday." she reveals.

I make a quick head turn to Alex who just sighs. "You what?"

"Oh Flora, that man is still out there and I cannot risk anything happening. Mrs. Hale and I both agree on this. You and Alex will walk together and it works out since you know him already."

"He only tutors me"

My mom rolls her eyes to me, "Just walk with him."

"I apologize Flora" Mrs. Hale says to me. " Alex usually goes to school a bit early and leaves a bit late due to his extracurricular activities. He came home early today since his lacrosse practice was cancelled. I agree with your mother, I wouldn't want something to happen to you. I would also like for you to be good friends with Alex, he doesn't have many friends let alone any ones that are girls." She chuckles.

"Mom" Alex states.

"Well then it's settled, starting tomorrow you will walk with Alex." Mom gives her cheerful smile.

Alex and I walk together. Ha. What an absurd sentence. How could I just walk with him how?!


The next morning, I woke up at 7:20, earlier than my alarm clock. Since school starts at 8:15 and is a short walk from here my alarm is set at 7:45.

Mom is out by the door at 7:00 so I enjoy a quiet morning. Mom and I are both loud in the morning.

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