Chapter 14

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Throughout the rest of month was constant studying. Alex and I started our sessions every Tuesday after school for an hour instead of at school. I get to spend my lunch time with Ben and Ivy. Since Afterschool they both had cheer and band practice for football games.

Both of them are always happy when I share with them my test scores. The last two have been small but higher changes. I still go to lacrosse practice, the season starts next semester so many of the players have been working hard.

I've become much closer to all players which feels weird. There's one player Jeremy ,who I've known since elementary school, who I was never close to, who's been really nice.

I couldn't help but think that the only reason guys ever want to be close to a girl is not to be friends with them but is interested in them. I'd like to think Jeremy is just a very affectionate person to all.

One time during lacrosse practice when they were all stretching I felt a stare coming on me. I looked to my left and I see Jeremy, I thought maybe for a moment he might be interested in me, am I pretty? Well turns out he was pointing out a bee near my face and I looking like an idiot, screamed.

Other than that, I've actually been enjoying my time working with all the players. I would have never joined if not for Simon. I also used to think lacrosse what such a boring sport, but there's more than just running around and trying not be be hit with those sticks.

Now December my test scores have slightly been improving although the last test was a stressor, I had taken too long one of the problems and missed on working two other problems. Math tests just don't work out for me.

On Wednesday, Alex walked home without me. My Mom said we would go shopping, groceries, thrift stores, and whatever little shops we might see. Mom's been busy lately so she makes sure we hang out together when possible. I never minded as much before but there are times when I'm home alone and I feel the loneliness.

I walk out the entrance and wait, I sit on a bench that's outside and enjoy the weather.

"It's nice isn't it?"

I turn to see Simon, my eyes meet his and my heart can't help but to be excited.

"Hey" I say.

Simon takes a seat with me but the farthest away possible. "You didn't walk home with Alex today?"

"Uh no, I'm waiting for my mom"

"Oh, well are you going to the Afterschool event on the last Friday?" he asks.

"Actually I'm not sure" I respond.

"You should go, I went last year and it was pretty fun." His smile is so addicting. "They set up a bunch of booths with games and prizes. There's multiple blankets set on the field for people to have a picnic. It's really nice"

"I don't know, I know Ivy and Ben were gonna go but I had a hard time determining if I would feel like a third wheel" I chuckle.

"I would invite to be with me and Dahlia and our group of friends but I wouldn't want it to be awkward"

"Why would it be awkward?" I genuinely ask. "I can be friends with a lot of people"

"No I know, but we have another couple within the friend group"

"Oh" moving my mouth forming a thin line.

"I actually think Dahlia might not go, I think she made plans with her cousins but nothing is set. So if she doesn't go, you can hang with me if you want"

No. I can't. But I say, "I don't even know for sure if I'm going. But whatever I'm fine being a third wheel with Ivy and Ben."

How could I possibly hang out with Simon when Dahlia isn't there, knowing how strong my feelings are for Simon? He doesn't know that this invitation isn't innocent. I cannot be with the person I want when they belong to someone else. Alex, he was right.

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