Chapter 18

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"Flora hey" Dahlia announced as she ran over. " Did Alex invite you? He didn't tell us"

"I'm just here with my friends shopping" I reply.

"Oh" She looked over at my friends and said greeted them. "You guys can join us if you want we were going to play a game of Glow in the Dark mini golf. They have teams and we're an odd number so"

I looked over at Ivy and giving her my 'what should I do' look.

"We would love too" Ivy spoke. She then gave me her 'just go with it you'll have fun' look.

"Great" Dahlia said.

We all headed inside and seeing everyone else made me nervous. I don't mind being with more people but these weren't the kind of people who I hung out with before. The smart kids who know their smart. I don't want to be so quick to judge but I've felt dumb being with them.

Dahlia was introducing everyone. "Johnny, Derek, this is Flora, uh"

"Ivy and Ben" Ivy clarified.

"Right, and well you know the rest of us, actually we're expecting two more people, I invited them" Dahlia mentioned.

"Wow I didn't know there'd be this much to the party"

I turned around and see Rose and Thomas.

"Ah Flora" Rose exclaims. " I didn't know you'd be here." She looks over at Ben and Ivy and introduced herself.

"Hey Thomas" Simon says. They greet each other and we all head to the first course.

Since it is glow in the dark mini golf, the room illuminated with bright neon colors and everyone wore different colored wristbands to help see each other. We all gathered together and that was when I felt so indifferent to this entire situation. Most of us knew each other but never once could I have imagined hanging out like this. We all have diverse personalities.

I'm not sure who planned this initial meet up by from what I could see from Alex's face was that he was unaware of the change of plans. He mostly stood behind everyone else and near Derek and Johnny.

The plan was separate into two teams to make this more interesting and so Dahlia decided to have her and Simon as team leaders. Dahlia stated that it would be unfair for both her and Simon to be one team. I assume she means that they're both good players but I wasn't going to let myself overcomplicate simple things.

Simon and Dahlia stood in front of everyone and they played a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to pick first. Dahlia won. Her first choice was Alex, reason unknown, then it was Simon's turn.

He picked Thomas first. Then Dahlia picked Ivy, my guess was because she wanted to get to know Ivy. When it was Simon's turn to pick his eyes immediately found mine. He picked me. Was it bad that a little part of me was happy?

After all the teams were decided, Simon having Thomas, Ben, Johnny, and I, and Dahlia with Alex, Ivy, Rose, and Derek.

The game started and within the first three courses my team was leading. I've only played two other times but I wasn't bad at it. Every time I managed to hit the ball in the hole with only one hit I would shriek with excitement. Our team would high five each other.

In the next course we did which had a small Ferris wheel in the middle was the course where there was so much color spewed onto the walls. I enjoyed the view so much that it wasn't until Thomas nudged me softy and whispered, "It's your turn Van Gogh"

I quickly looked for the ball and hit the ball with accurate distance and strength that I successfully hit a hole in one.

Our team cheered and then it was Dahlia's team's turn. I moved over to the side to give more space to their team. Alex went first and he got a hole in one too. I wasn't surprised but I was when as he passed me by he smirked and winked at me.

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